Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung 2005; 250 - 88
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-868696

Combating epidemics through miasmatic prescription (Japanese Encephalitis)

Bekämpfung von Seuchen durch miasmatische Verordnung (Japanische Enzephalitis)G Srinivasulu 1
  • 1Dept. of Organon of Medicine, Government Homoeopathic Medical College (Affiliated to N. T. R. University of Health Sciences, A.P.), Cuddapah, India

The recurrence, resistance to vaccines and medicines and the rise of infectious diseases is quite alarming in India. One among them is Japanese Encephalitis (J.E.), an endemo-epidemic acute encephalomyelitis accompanying a viral infection. The first case of J.E. was detected in 1979 in Andhra Pradesh state. Initially Belladonna was administered in a small way with good results, but the Government did not take any effective steps. Since 1990 it had become an unmanageable problem. Between 1993 and 1999 recorded J.E. cases were 5308, and 1511 children died. In spite of vaccination it continued unabated. The Government sought the help of homeopaths in combating this epidemic in 1999.

As prophylactic drugs, Belladonna 200 on 1,2,3 days one dose each, Calcarea Carb 200 on 10th day and Tuberculinum 10 M on 25th day were administered in a phased manner to all children in the age group of 0–15 years in the month of August every year for three consecutive years. Symptom similarity, complementary relationship, virulence and underlying miasms were taken into consideration while selecting these drugs. This project was named B.C.T. After its commencement in 1999 the mortality and morbidity rates of J.E. fell drastically. 343 cases were reported in 2000 with 72 deaths, in 2001 only 30 cases with 4 deaths, in 2002 only 18 cases but no deaths, in 2003 and 2004 no cases were recorded. The Government had officially published the statistics and acknowledged the efficacy of homeopathy. This is the first major involvement of homeopathy in the field of prevention of epidemic diseases in our country. Neighbouring states which have not adopted this method continued to show higher incidence of J.E. cases. After witnessing the decline in India other nations are showing keen interest in this innovative method.

Endemics and epidemics should be studied from the miasmatic viewpoint to understand their virulence, change of patterns and recurrence.


Epidemics, homeopathic prophylaxis, Belladonna, Calcarea Carbonica, Tuberculinum.


Epidemische Krankheiten, homöopathische Prophylaxe, Belladonna, Calcium carbonicum, Tuberculinum.

Korrespondierender Autor: Dr. Gadugu Srinivasulu, M.D. Lecturer, Dept. of Organon of Medicine, Government Homeopathic Medical College (Affiliated to N.T.R.University of Health Sciences, A.P.) Ravindra Nagar, Cuddapah, A.P., India
