Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung 2005; 250 - 37
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-868645

Understanding the psychology of the patient: reading body language

Verstehen der Körpersprache als Zugang zur Psychologie des PatientenG Mortelmans 1, S Ehrhardt 1
  • 1Lier, Belgium

In their search to find the right remedy, homeopaths ask their patients many questions about the emotions and the mind. We notice every day that you can understand a lot about the psychology of the patient by observing the body, the gestures and the energy that is coming from him or her.

These symptoms are more reliable than just conversation alone, because the body doesn't lie. The movements of the body are an expression of the Vital force.

During the interview we also look at our own emotions, our own body sensations, our attitude and at the energetic sensations we feel.

Becoming more aware of the body of the patient and his energy enables us to be in deeper contact with his complaints and his energetic system.

By being very consciously present in our own body we also become more aware of our own essence and mission.

The information we get from our own body is checked with the information we get from the patient and with the Materia Medica.

Using this method gives us a deeper insight into people. It also gives more satisfaction in treating people because we can go much deeper than a purely mental analysis. This method requires a major engagement but that is as it should be. Helping other people at a deep level also helps in curing oneself.

The lecture is illustrated with clinical cases.


Non-verbal communication, gestures, energy, vital force, personality, soul, archetypes.


Non-verbale Kommunikation, Gesten, Energie, Lebenskraft, Persönlichkeit, Seele, Archetypen.

Korrespondierender Autor: Dr. Guido Mortelmans, Sluislaan 6, 2500 Lier, Belgium; Dr. Stefanie Ehrhardt, Sluislaan 6, B-2500 Lier, Belgium
