Allgemeine Homöopathische Zeitung 2005; 250 - 35
DOI: 10.1055/s-2005-868643

Hahnemann and the independence of Argentina

Hahnemann und die Unabhängigkeit ArgentiniensG Martina 1
  • 1Academia de Homeopatía de Tucumán, San Miguel de Tucumán, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Hahnemann unknowingly contributed to the independence of Argentina by preserving the health of the father of our country, General José de San Martín, a visionary man with failing health who adopted the newest and most revolutionary humanistic ideas of his times, to attain health for himself and freedom for the people of the nation he envisioned.

The beginnings of Homeopathy in Argentina go as far back as the beginnings of the nation itself.

The territory today called Argentina was since 1516 part of a Spanish colony in South America.

1810 was a special year in world history.

The First Edition of Hahnemann's „Organon of Rational Healing“ was published in Germany while in May of that year started the Independence Revolution to free Argentina from Spanish rule.

The very same year (1810) General José de San Martin, the Liberator of our country, was released from French Napoleonic prisons in Spain and travelled to London in 1811 where he entered the Lautaro Masonic Lodge which had advocated American Independence.

He got acquainted with the innovative homeopathic principles exposed by Hahnemann and cherished them.

His health was poor and it is historically reported that he cured himself with homeopathic remedies.


General José de San Martín, Lautaro Masonic Lodge in London.


General José de San Martín, Lautaro Masonic Lodge in London.

Korrespondierender Autor: Dr. Germán Martina, Professor of History of Homeopathy and Contemporary Homeopathy at the Academia de Homeopatía de Tucumán, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina, Porcel de Peralta 838– N° 6, (14008) Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
