Pharmacopsychiatry 2003; 36 - 238
DOI: 10.1055/s-2003-825481

Results of a pilot study about the effects of a new, video based psychoeducational program for neuroleptic relapse prevention

C Rummel 1, G Pitschel-Walz 1, W Kissling 1
  • 1Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie der Technischen Universitìt München

A new psychoeducational program („Alliance-Program“) for schizophrenic patients was developed in cooperation with consumers, family members and health care professionals (1). The program contains 12 modules (e.g. symptoms, causes, medication, relapse prevention) and specific working-material (manuals for professionals, working-books for patients and family members, flip-charts and videos) for each module.

11 centres were conducting psychoeducational groups for schizophrenic patients with the Alliance material during a four month pilot study. Afterwards professionals completed questionnaires about handling and assessment of the program.

Professionals had hardly any difficulties in handling the material, regarded the personal effort as acceptable and considered the program very useful. Overall, professionals showed a high subjective satisfaction with this new psychoeducational program. Professionals thought that patients like the Alliance-Program and patients themselves rated the program as very helpful, informative and compliance improving. High subjective satisfaction of professionals together with positive feedback from patients are a solid basis for a further implementation of the Alliance-Program.

1 Waerner, T., Bassi, M., Dubuis J., Fleischhaker W.W., Kissling, W., Linszen, D., Remington, G., Turner, T., Wallace, M.

An international survey on information needs of patients with schizophrenia and their carers and management issues most frequently encountered by professional care team members.

Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2000; 10(Suppl 3): S297.