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DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1787989
2023 Eberhard F. Mammen Award Announcements: Part II–Young Investigator Awards

Welcome to the latest of our Eberhard F. Mammen Award announcements. As noted many times previously, Thieme, the publisher of Seminars in Thrombosis & Hemostasis (STH), has created the “Eberhard F. Mammen Excellence in Thrombosis and Hemostasis Awards” in honor of Eberhard Mammen ([Fig. 1]) and in recognition of his contribution to this field and to the journal that he both founded and steered for over three decades (see [Table 1] for relevant references). These awards began in 2009, under two categories; the current award details and conditions are as follows:

Most popular article awards: awarded to the authors of the most popular articles published in STH in the preceding 2 years as captured in the preceding year. The awards are determined by the Editor in Chief on the basis of user statistics from Thieme e-Journals. Prefaces, Errata, Letters to the Editor, Editorials, Commentaries, and previous award-winning articles are excluded from further consideration of these awards, which currently comprise two categories—one for “Free Access” articles and another for a “General Category.” There are two major cash prizes of US$1,000 for each category. In addition, winners of the “General Category” awards are granted “Free Access” status for these articles thereafter.
Young Investigator Awards: best presentation or meeting abstract by a young investigator—as presented or delivered to an international or large regional meeting on a topic related to the fields of thrombosis and hemostasis, and whose subject matter is determined to be in the spirit of Dr Mammen. Up to six cash prizes of US$1,000 in any year. There are some additional considerations and conditions for the award, and awardees are expected to prepare a review or other paper related to the topic of their presentation (or as otherwise agreed) for publication in STH. In general, previous award winners are excluded from a second award to enable more individuals to be recognized. After nominations are received, the awardees are selected by a vote of the Senior Editors of STH. Any potential conflicts of interest are managed by first identifying these and then excluding those with potential conflicts from voting. Finally, given the increased potential of virtual meetings, virtual presentations can also be considered for the award.
Further details of the awards and the award winners are posted online (, and previous award winner announcements are also available in print (see [Table 1] for a listing of relevant editorials published in this journal as related to the initiation of the Eberhard F. Mammen Awards, as well as previous award announcements; these publications are also available for free download from the journal website:
The winners of the 2023 Eberhard F. Mammen Awards for the most popular articles from STH for the period of 2020 to 2021 inclusive were announced in an earlier issue of the journal,[1] as were the 2024 Eberhard F. Mammen Awards for the most popular articles from STH for the period of 2022 to 2023 inclusive.[2] It is therefore with great pleasure that we would like to announce the winners of the latest round of Young Investigator Awards.
As mentioned above, the Young Investigator Awards represent winners of the best presentation or meeting abstract by a young investigator—as presented or delivered to an international or large regional meeting (virtual meetings permissible) on a topic related to the fields of thrombosis and hemostasis, and whose subject matter is determined to be in the spirit of Dr Mammen. There are additional considerations, given that the nominees' presentations are not necessarily seen by all of the possible award nominators, being drawn from the broader editorial team of the journal as well as potentially from outside the editorial team, nor necessarily seen by all the voting team (comprising the senior editors of the journal). The latest winners are identified below, with a running list of previous awardees, and the resulting publications in the journal, given in [Table 2]. The latest awardees derived from recent meetings of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH), the American Society for Hematology (ASH), the International Society for Fibrinolysis & Proteolysis (ISFP), the European Congress in Thrombosis and Haemostasis, and a recent Blood Scientific Meeting (representing a combined meeting of the Haematology Society of Australia and New Zealand, the Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion, and the Thrombosis and Haemostasis society of Australia and New Zealand [THANZ]).
Awardee |
Year awarded |
Publication arising |
Willem M. Lijfering |
2009 |
Lijfering WM, Flinterman LE, Vandenbroucke JP, Rosendaal FR, Cannegieter SC. Relationship between venous and arterial thrombosis: a review of the literature from a causal perspective. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2011;37(8):885–896. |
Salley Pels |
2009 |
Pels SG. Current therapies in primary immune thrombocytopenia. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2011;37(6):621–630. |
Adam Cuker |
2010 |
Cuker A. Current and emerging therapeutics for heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2012;38(1):31–37. |
Giridhara Rao Jayandharan |
2010 |
Jayandharan GR, Srivastava A, Srivastava A. Role of molecular genetics in hemophilia: from diagnosis to therapy. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2012;38(1):64–78. |
Timea Szanto |
2010 |
Szántó T, Joutsi-Korhonen L, Deckmyn H, Lassila R. New insights into von Willebrand disease and platelet function. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2012;38(1):55–63. |
Birgitta Salmela |
2010 |
Salmela B, Joutsi-Korhonen L, Armstrong E, Lassila R. Active online assessment of patients using new oral anticoagulants: bleeding risk, compliance, and coagulation analysis. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2012;38(1):23–30. |
Pia Riittaa-Maria Siljander |
2010 |
Aatonen M, Grönholm M, Siljander PR. Platelet-derived microvesicles: multitalented participants in intercellular communication. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2012;38(1):102–113. |
Romaric Lacroix |
2011 |
Lacroix R, Dignat-George F. Microparticles: new protagonists in pericellular and intravascular proteolysis. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2013;39(1):33–39. |
Brad McEwen |
2011 |
McEwen BJ, Morel-Kopp MC, Chen W, Tofler GH, Ward CM. Effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on platelet function in healthy subjects and subjects with cardiovascular disease. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2013;39(1):25–32. |
Neil A. Goldenberg |
2011 |
Bernard TJ, Armstrong-Wells J, Goldenberg NA. The institution-based prospective inception cohort study: design, implementation, and quality assurance in pediatric thrombosis and stroke research. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2013;39(1):10–14. |
Vivien Chen |
2011 |
Chen VM. Tissue factor de-encryption, thrombus formation, and thiol-disulfide exchange. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2013;39(1):40–47. |
Joseph E. Italiano, Jr. |
2011 |
Italiano JE Jr. Unraveling mechanisms that control platelet production. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2013;39(1):15–24. |
Vivian Xiaoyan Du |
2012/2013 |
Du VX, Huskens D, Maas C, Al Dieri R, de Groot PG, de Laat B. New insights into the role of erythrocytes in thrombus formation. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2014;40(1):72–80. |
Andrew Yee |
2012/2013 |
Yee A, Kretz CA. Von Willebrand factor: form for function. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2014;40(1):17–27. |
Sarah O'Brien |
2012/2013 |
O'Brien SH. Contraception-related venous thromboembolism in adolescents. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2014;40(1):66–71. |
Veronica Flood |
2012/2013 |
Flood VH. Perils, problems, and progress in laboratory diagnosis of von Willebrand disease. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2014;40(1):41–48. |
Julie Tange |
2012/2013 |
Tange JI, Grill D, Koch CD, Ybabez RJ, Krekelberg BJ, Fylling KA, Wiese CR, Baumann NA, Block DR, Karon BS, Chen D, Pruthi RK. Local verification and assignment of mean normal prothrombin time and international sensitivity index values across various instruments: recent experience and outcome from North America. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2014;40(1):115–120. |
Kent Chapman |
2012/2013 |
Chapman K, Yuen S. Therapy for thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura: past, present, and future. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2014;40(1):34–40. |
Andreas Tiede |
2014 |
Tiede A, Werwitzke S, Scharf RE. Laboratory diagnosis of acquired hemophilia A: limitations, consequences, and challenges. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2014;40(7):803–811. |
Wendy Lim |
2014 |
Lim W. Thrombotic risk in the antiphospholipid syndrome. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2014;40(7):741–746. |
Susana Nobre Fernandes |
2014 |
Fernandes S, Carvalho M, Lopes M, Araújo F. Impact of an individualized prophylaxis approach on young adults with severe hemophilia. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2014;40(7):785–789. |
Maria Elisa Mancuso |
2014 |
Mancuso ME, Fasulo MR. Thrombin generation assay as a laboratory monitoring tool during by-passing therapy in patients with hemophilia and inhibitors. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2016;42(1):30–35. |
Coen Maas |
2014 |
Tersteeg C, Fijnheer R, Deforche L, Pasterkamp G, de Groot PG, Vanhoorelbeke K, de Maat S, Maas C. Keeping von Willebrand factor under control: alternatives for ADAMTS13. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2016;42(1):9–17. |
Riten Kumar |
2014 |
Kumar R, Dunn A, Carcao M. Changing paradigm of hemophilia management: extended half-life factor concentrates and gene therapy. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2016;42(1):18–29. |
Juraj Sokol |
2015 |
Sokol J, Skerenova M, Jedinakova Z, Simurda T, Skornova I, Stasko J, Kubisz P. Progress in the understanding of sticky platelet syndrome. Semin Thromb Hemost 2017;43(1):8–13 |
Ljubica Jovanović |
2015 |
Jovanovic L, Antonijevic N, Novakovic T, Savic N, Terzic B, Zivkovic I, Radovanovic N, Asanin M. Practical aspects of monitoring of antiplatelet therapy. Semin Thromb Hemost 2017;43(1):14–23 |
Lucia Stanciakova |
2015 |
Stanciakova L, Dobrotova M, Jedinakova Z, Duraj L, Skornova I, Korinkova L, Holly P, Danko J, Stasko J, Kubisz P. Monitoring of hemostasis and management of anticoagulant thromboprophylaxis in pregnant women with increased risk of fetal loss. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2016;42(6):612–621. |
Tina Biss |
2015 |
Biss TT. Venous thromboembolism in children: is it preventable? Semin Thromb Hemost. 2016;42(6):603–611. |
Tobias Fuchs |
2015 |
Jiménez-Alcázar M, Kim N, Fuchs TA. Circulating extracellular DNA: cause or consequence of thrombosis? Semin Thromb Hemost. 2017;43(6):553–561 |
Jonathan M. Coutinho |
2015 |
Silvis SM, Middeldorp S, Zuurbier SM, Cannegieter SC, Coutinho JM. Risk factors for cerebral venous thrombosis. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2016;42(6):622–631. |
Soundarya Selvam |
2016 |
Selvam S, James P. Angiodysplasia in von Willebrand disease: understanding the clinical and basic science. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2017 Sep;43(6):572–580. |
Vincent Muczynski |
2016 |
Muczynski V, Christophe OD, Denis CV, Lenting PJ. Emerging therapeutic strategies in the treatment of hemophilia A. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2017;43(6):581–590. |
Karen Schreiber |
2016 |
Schreiber K, Breen K, Cohen H, Jacobsen S, Middeldorp S, Pavord S, Regan L, Roccatello D, Robinson SE, Sciascia S, Seed PT, Watkins L, Hunt BJ. HYdroxychloroquine to Improve Pregnancy Outcome in Women with AnTIphospholipid Antibodies (HYPATIA) protocol: a multinational randomized controlled trial of hydroxychloroquine versus placebo in addition to standard treatment in pregnant women with antiphospholipid syndrome or antibodies. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2017;43(6):562–571. |
Jasmine Wee Ting Tay |
2016 |
Tay J, Tiao J, Hughes Q, Jorritsma J, Gilmore G, Baker R. Circulating microRNA as thrombosis sentinels: caveats and considerations. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2018;44(3):206–215. |
Adi J. Klil-Drori |
2016 |
Klil-Drori AJ, Tagalakis V. Direct oral anticoagulants in end-stage renal disease. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2018;44(4):353–363. |
Ivar van Asten |
2017 |
van Asten I, Schutgens REG, Urbanus RT. Toward flow cytometry based platelet function diagnostics. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2018;44(3):197–205. |
Elodie Laridan |
2017 |
Laridan E, Martinod K, De Meyer SF. Neutrophil extracellular traps in arterial and venous thrombosis. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2019;45(1):86–93. |
Leonardo Pasalic |
2017 |
Blennerhassett R, Curnow J, Pasalic L. Immune-mediated thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: a narrative review of diagnosis and treatment in adults. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2020;46(3):289–301 |
Yvonne Brennan |
2017 |
Brennan Y, Favaloro EJ, Curnow J. To maintain or cease non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants prior to minimal bleeding risk procedures: a review of evidence and recommendations. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2019;45(2):171–179. |
Mark Schreuder |
2018 |
Schreuder M, Reitsma PH, Bos MHA. Reversal agents for the direct factor Xa inhibitors: biochemical mechanisms of current and newly emerging therapies. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2020;46(8):986–998. |
James McFadyen |
2018 |
Stevens H, McFadyen JD. Platelets as central actors in thrombosis-reprising an old role and defining a new character. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2019;45(8):802–809. |
David Rabbolini |
2018 |
Mason GA, Rabbolini DJ. The current role of platelet function testing in clinical practice. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2021;47(7):843–854. |
Janka Zolkova |
2018 |
Zolkova J, Sokol J, Simurda T, Vadelova L, Snahnicanova Z, Loderer D, Dobrotova M, Ivankova J, Skornova I, Lasabova Z, Kubisz P, Stasko J. Genetic background of von Willebrand disease: history, current state and future perspectives. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2020;46(4):484–500. |
Tomáš Bolek |
2018 |
Bolek T, Samoš M, Škorňová I, Galajda P, Staško J, Kubisz P, Mokáň M. Proton pump inhibitors and dabigatran therapy: impact on gastric bleeding and dabigatran plasma levels. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2019;45(8):846–850. |
Fraser Macrae |
2018 |
Kearney KJ, Ariëns RAS, Macrae FL. The role of fibrin(ogen) in wound healing and infection control. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2022;48(2):174–187. |
Elisa Danese |
2019 |
Danese E, Montagnana M, Gelati M, Lippi G. The role of epigenetics in the regulation of hemostatic balance. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2021;47(1):53–62. |
Soracha Ward |
2019 |
Ward S, O'Sullivan JM, O'Donnell JS. The biological significance of von Willebrand factor O linked glycosylation. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2021;47(7):855–861. |
Jonathan Douxfils |
2019 |
Douxfils J, Morimont L, Bouvy C. Oral contraceptives and venous thromboembolism: focus on testing that may enable prediction and assessment of the risk. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2020;46(8):872–886. |
Erik Klok |
2019 |
Boon GJAM, Huisman MV, Klok FA. Why, whom, and how to screen for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension after acute pulmonary embolism. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2021;47(6):692–701. |
Michelle Lavin |
2019 |
Byrne B, Ryan K, Lavin M. Current challenges in the peripartum management of women with von Willebrand disease. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2021;47(2):217–228. |
Deeksha Khialani |
2019 |
Khialani D, Rosendaal F, Vlieg AVH. Hormonal contraceptives and the risk of venous thrombosis. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2020;46(8):865–871. |
Hanny Al-Samkari |
2020 |
Al-Samkari H. Systemic antiangiogenic therapies for bleeding in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: a practical, evidence-based guide for clinicians. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2022;48(5):514–528. |
Matthias M Engelen |
2020 |
Engelen MM, Vandenbriele C, Balthazar T, Claeys E, Gunst J, Guler I, Jacquemin M, Janssens S, Lorent N, Liesenborghs L, Peerlinck K, Pieters G, Rex S, Sinonquel P, Van der Linden L, Van Laer C, Vos R, Wauters J, Wilmer A, Verhamme P, Vanassche T. Venous thromboembolism in patients discharged after COVID-19 hospitalization. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2021;47(4):362–371. |
Ellen Driever |
2020 |
Driever EG, Lisman T. Effects of inflammation on hemostasis in acutely ill patients with liver disease. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2022;48(5):596–606. |
Maria Selvadurai |
2020 |
Selvadurai MV, Favaloro EJ, Chen VM. Mechanisms of thrombosis in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2023;49(5):444–452. |
Gudula Boon |
2021 |
de Jong CMM, Boon GJAM, Le YNJ, Barco S, Siegerink B, Klok FA. The post-venous thromboembolism functional status scale: from call to action to application in research, extension to COVID-19 patients, and its use in clinical practice. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2023;49(7):764–773. |
Hunter B. Moore |
2021 |
Moore HB. Fibrinolysis shutdown and hypofibrinolysis are not synonymous terms: the clinical significance of differentiating low fibrinolytic states. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2023;49(5):433–443. |
Sol Schulman |
2021 |
Park JK, Brake MA, Schulman S. Human genetic variation in F3 and its impact on tissue factor-dependent disease. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2024;50(2):188–199. |
Lauren G. Poole |
2022 |
Capece GE, Luyendyk JP, Poole lG. Fibrinolysis-mediated pathways in acute liver injury. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2024;50(4):638–647. |
Aisling Rehill |
2022 |
Noone D, Preston RJS, Rehill AM. The role of myeloid cells in thromboinflammatory disease. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2024:10.1055/s-0044-1782660. |
Harvey Roweth |
2022 |
Roweth HG. Platelet contributions to the (pre)metastatic tumor microenvironment. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2024;50(3):455–461. |
a It should be noted that, as a condition of the award, Eberhard F. Mammen Young Investigator Awardees are expected to submit a manuscript for publication in Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis. This listing in this table comprises previous awardees who have subsequently provided submissions to the journal and excludes awardees who have as yet not provided their submissions.
As often occurs with these awards, the current crop of winners reflects a variety of “Young Investigators” at various stages of their careers. Some awardees are just starting out on their journey in science or medicine, while others are better established in their careers and crossing over into the next phase of their life where they will soon no longer be called “young” investigators.
Ferdows Atiq ([Fig. 2]) is the youngest of our award recipients and is currently working as a Senior Research Fellow with the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and undergoing training to specialize as an Internist–Hematologist. He presented twice at a recent ASH meeting, both presentations on the topic of von Willebrand disease (VWD). He initially pursued his education in Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology at the Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. His doctoral research focused on epidemiological studies exploring the genotype, laboratory, and clinical phenotype of individuals with VWD. He continues this interest in Ireland, where he is engaged in basic science and translational research related to von Willebrand factor (VWF) and VWD.

Gemma Leon ([Fig. 3]) is another of the younger awardees. She presented on the topic of activated protein C and immunothrombotic disease at the recent European Congress in Thrombosis and Haemostasis and received the “Prix D'Honneur de al Jeunesse” (Young Investigator Award) for her abstract/presentation. She is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, examining the intersect between inflammation and coagulation in immunothrombotic disease. She completed her PhD in Immunology in Trinity College Dublin in 2020, where her studies focused on elucidating the role IL-36 cytokines play in the pathogenesis of pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). She joined the Irish Centre for Vascular Biology as a Post-Doc in 2021, where she began to investigate the role of activated Protein C as an immunomodulator in IBD. Her current work examines the immunothrombotic state observed in myeloproliferative neoplasms patients, and how innate trained immunity may contribute to this.

Yvonne Kong ([Fig. 4]) is the last of our younger awardees and is currently completing her PhD. She presented at the most recent Blood meeting. Her presentation “Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress activation determines megakaryocyte and platelet ER chaperone distribution” saw Yvonne awarded the THANZ Medal for this presentation. This Medal is awarded for the best presentation by a young investigator in the Thrombosis and Haemostasis stream of the annual Blood meeting. She is a Clinical and Laboratory Haematologist who is undertaking doctoral studies within the Haematology Research Group at Charles Perkins Centre, under the supervision of A/Prof Freda Passam. Her research aims to investigate the role of ER proteins in platelet formation and thrombosis risk.

Steven Grover ([Fig. 5]) presented his work in the Plenary Scientific Session at a recent American Society of Hematology meeting. Parts of this work have since appeared in Blood and in the Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States. His career began as a PhD student at King's College London studying mechanisms of chronic venous thrombus resolution. Following the mantra that “prevention is better than cure” his postdoctoral studies at the Harvard Medical School and the University of North Carolina centered on studying mechanisms of thrombus formation. During this time, he developed a keen interest in the contact pathway of coagulation identifying the importance of factors XII and XI in venous thrombosis. As a recently promoted Assistant Professor he is currently developing a highly productive independent research program studying the endogenous negative regulator of these factors, C1-inhibitor.

Amy Kiskaddon ([Fig. 6]) gave two presentations at a recent ISTH meeting. Amy has already previously published in STH, with a total of six papers, the most recent two as first author.[3] [4] She is currently working in the Divisions of Pediatric Hematology and Cardiology, Department of Pediatrics, at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and in the Department of Pharmacy at Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in the United States. She received her pharmacy degree from the University of Florida and completed pediatric pharmacy residency at the Texas Children's Hospital. She joined Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital in 2017 as a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist. She is now Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Divisions of Hematology and Cardiology, at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. She also received an Eberhard F. Mammen “Most Popular” Award in 2023 for a 2021 paper she co-first authored.[5] She is the Cardiac Disease Thrombosis & Hemostasis Workgroup Chair of the Pediatric Subcommittee of the ISTH Scientific Standardization Committee. Her research focuses on thrombosis and bleeding in pediatric patients with congenital and acquired heart disease.

Charithani (Cherry) Keragala ([Fig. 7]) is an early career clinician–scientist and hematologist at Monash Health in Australia. She completed her PhD at the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases, Monash University in 2023. She presented at the 2023 ISFP congress. Her abstract was selected as one of the top 6 of the meeting and was selected for presentation in the Desire Collen Young Investigator Award competition. She is also a joint fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA) and the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) and an adjunct lecturer in Medicine at Monash Health. She is also an associate editor of the “Thrombosis Journal,” Vice President of THANZ, part of the media-based learning subcommittee of the ISTH, and on the council of the ISFP. As a young female early career researcher and mother of 3 she is “passionate about women in STEM” and a member of the Gender Equity in Medicine Reference Group for the RACP.

All award winners were thrilled to hear that they had been selected to receive an Eberhard F. Mammen Young Investigator Award and provided the following additional commentary:
“I am honored to be awarded an Eberhard F. Mammen Young Investigator Award. This achievement would not have been possible without the support of many individuals. In particular, I would like to thank my supervisors, Prof. Frank Leebeek and Prof. James O'Donnell, for their excellent mentorship and unwavering support. I also extend my gratitude to all the investigators involved in the 'Willebrand in the Netherlands (WiN)' and the 'Low VWF in Ireland Cohort (LoVIC)' studies. It is also crucial to acknowledge and thank all the patients with von Willebrand disease and Low von Willebrand factor who participated in the WiN and LoVIC studies. Without their involvement, we would not have been able to gain such important novel insights into type 1 VWD and Low VWF. Lastly, I would like to thank the senior editorial team of Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis for this important recognition.”
—Ferdows Atiq ([Fig. 2])
“I am truly honored to have been selected for a 2023 Eberhard F. Mammen Young Investigator Award. I am very grateful to have to have our research on CD4+ T cell thrombogenicity recognised in such a way, and would like to express my sincere gratitude to the senior editorial team of Seminars in Thrombosis and Haemostasis for this recognition. This work would not have been possible without the unwavering support of my postdoctoral supervisor and mentor Dr Roger Preston, the important contributions of our collaborators, and support from colleagues in the Irish Centre for Vascular Biology. I look forward to building upon this research to advance our understanding of immunothrombosis and thromboinflammation.”
—Gemma Leon ([Fig. 3])
“I am very honored and grateful to be nominated for and awarded a 2023 Eberhard F. Mammen Young Investigator Award. This award recognizes the work of our lab in investigating the role of the platelet endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and platelet ER stress in disease, and I would like to thank the senior editorial board of Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis for this acknowledgement. This work would not have been possible without our collaborators and colleagues at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and groups at the Charles Perkins Centre (University of Sydney). I would like to sincerely thank my supervisor A/Prof Freda Passam for her tireless enthusiasm and support, as well as members of the Haematology Research Group. This award is a wonderful encouragement to continue my work in platelet biology and thrombosis.”
—Yvonne Kong ([Fig. 4])
“I am humbled and honored to have been awarded a 2023 Eberhard F. Mammen Young Investigator Award. I am indebted to colleagues and collaborators that contributed to the work, presented at the Plenary Scientific Session of the American Society of Hematology annual meeting, that forms the foundation of this award. I am particularly grateful to my mentor, Dr. Nigel Mackman, for his unwavering support as I've sought to forge a new path of investigation. I am excited to see where this path leads. I extend my sincerest thanks to the senior editorial team of Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis for this recognition.”
—Steven Grover ([Fig. 5])
“I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis senior editorial board for selecting me for one of the 2023 Eberhard E. Mammen Young Investigator Awards, recognizing my research on 1) intravenous direct thrombin inhibitors in pediatric extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, and 2) the utilization of prothrombin complex concentration in pediatric patients undergoing cardiac surgery, both presented at the 2023 International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis Congress. The work would not have been possible without the support and guidance of my mentor Dr. Neil Goldenberg and the contributions of our collaborators. It is humbling to be listed among many inspiring experts who have pioneered clinical care and research in the fields of thrombosis and hemostasis. This award motivates me to continue investigating strategies to optimize hemostasis in children with cardiac disease.”
—Amy Kiskaddon ([Fig. 6])
“I am truly honored to be selected as one of the recipients of the 2023 Eberhard F. Mammen Young Investigator Awards. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the senior editorial board of Seminars in Thrombosis and Hemostasis for the recognition of our work revealing that plasma from patients with vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) displays increased fibrinolytic potential and enhances tPA but not uPA-mediated plasminogen activation, which I was fortunate to present at the 26th International Society of Fibrinolysis and Proteolysis (ISFP) meeting 2023 as a contender for the Desire Collen Young Investigator Award. This work was only made possible by ongoing unwavering support from my supervisor and mentor, Prof. Robert Medcalf (Monash University), a world leader in fibrinolysis research. I'd also like to acknowledge our collaborators Prof. Huyen Tran and A/Prof. James McFadyen for their contribution as well as support from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) of Australia. I am also humbled to be included in this incredible list of past and current young investigators in thrombosis and haemostasis who continue to push the boundaries of current knowledge and innovation.”
—Charithani (Cherry) Keragala ([Fig. 7])
In keeping with previous editorials, I have again updated the Young Investigator Awardees from previous years as well as the outcome of their subsequent submissions to STH, as summarized in [Table 2]. The most recent arising publications are also listed in the reference list for the benefit of the readership.[6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] I have mentioned several times my personal gratification that most of the papers from earlier years have subsequently appeared in several annual top 100 listings. Of further interest, some of these papers or the young investigators themselves have subsequently won one of the Most Popular awards (see [Table 1] for a list of prior editorials on these awards).
I continue to look forward to seeing the careers of the current and past Young Investigator Award winners developing over forthcoming years. Very high bars are now established for future Young Investigator Awardees, and I wish all awardees the best of luck to exceed the precedence set by earlier award winners.
Publication History
Article published online:
01 July 2024
© 2024. Thieme. All rights reserved.
Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
333 Seventh Avenue, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10001, USA
- 1 Favaloro EJ. 2023 Eberhard F. Mammen Award announcements: part I-most popular articles. Semin Thromb Hemost 2023; 49 (05) 417-426
- 2 Favaloro EJ. 2024 Eberhard F. Mammen Award announcements: part I-most popular articles. Semin Thromb Hemost . Epub ahead of print.
- 3 Kiskaddon AL, Goldenberg NA, Fierstein JL, Miller A, Quintessenza JA, Kartha VM. Dosing, monitoring, blood product utilization, and thromboembolic complications of four-factor prothrombin complex concentrate as part of an institutional protocol in pediatric cardiac surgery: a retrospective cohort study. Semin Thromb Hemost 2024; 50 (06) 873-882
- 4 Kiskaddon AL, Do NL, Williams P, Betensky M, Goldenberg NA. Anticoagulation with intravenous direct thrombin inhibitors in pediatric extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: a systematic review of the literature. Semin Thromb Hemost 2023; 49 (07) 756-763
- 5 Branstetter JW, Kiskaddon AL, King MA. et al. Efficacy and safety of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants in pediatric venous thromboembolism treatment and thromboprophylaxis: a systematic review of the literature. Semin Thromb Hemost 2021; 47 (06) 643-653
- 6 Kearney KJ, Ariëns RAS, Macrae FL. The role of fibrin(ogen) in wound healing and infection control. Semin Thromb Hemost 2022; 48 (02) 174-187
- 7 Al-Samkari H. Systemic antiangiogenic therapies for bleeding in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: a practical, evidence-based guide for clinicians. Semin Thromb Hemost 2022; 48 (05) 514-528
- 8 Driever EG, Lisman T. Effects of inflammation on hemostasis in acutely ill patients with liver disease. Semin Thromb Hemost 2022; 48 (05) 596-606
- 9 Selvadurai MV, Favaloro EJ, Chen VM. Mechanisms of thrombosis in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia. Semin Thromb Hemost 2023; 49 (05) 444-452
- 10 de Jong CMM, Boon GJAM, Le YNJ, Barco S, Siegerink B, Klok FA. The post-venous thromboembolism functional status scale: from call to action to application in research, extension to COVID-19 patients, and its use in clinical practice. Semin Thromb Hemost 2023; 49 (07) 764-773
- 11 Moore HB. Fibrinolysis shutdown and hypofibrinolysis are not synonymous terms: the clinical significance of differentiating low fibrinolytic states. Semin Thromb Hemost 2023; 49 (05) 433-443
- 12 Park JK, Brake MA, Schulman S. Human genetic variation in F3 and its impact on tissue factor-dependent disease. Semin Thromb Hemost 2024; 50 (02) 188-199
- 13 Capece GE, Luyendyk JP, Poole LG. Fibrinolysis-mediated pathways in acute liver injury. Semin Thromb Hemost 2024; 50 (04) 638-647
- 14 Noone D, Preston RJS, Rehill AM. The role of myeloid cells in thromboinflammatory disease. Semin Thromb Hemost . Epub ahead of print.
- 15 Roweth HG. Platelet contributions to the (pre)metastatic tumor microenvironment. Semin Thromb Hemost 2024; 50 (03) 455-461