CC BY 4.0 · Rev Bras Ortop (Sao Paulo) 2024; 59(S 02): e145-e148
DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1787550
Relato de Caso

Fixation of an Osteochondral Fragment with Autologous Bone Picks in the Knee – A Case Report

Artikel in mehreren Sprachen: português | English
1   Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil
1   Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil
Caio César Zottis
2   Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Hospital Independência, Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil
1   Ortopedia e Traumatologia, Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil
› Institutsangaben
Financial Support The authors did not receive any financial support from public, commercial, or not-for-profit sources.


Osteochondral injuries in the knee are uncommon in the immature skeleton and are usually related to sporting activities.

Fixation is required depending on the size and location of the fragment. The standard technique is open reduction and internal fixation with metal screws, which are removed in a second procedure after consolidation.

As an alternative to reduce risk and morbidity, fixation of the osteochondral fragment may use autologous bone picks.

This study reports the execution of this surgical technique on a 13-year-old patient who injured his right knee during a soccer match.

Work carried out at the Hospital Universitário de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil.


Eingereicht: 29. Mai 2023

Angenommen: 21. Juli 2023

Artikel online veröffentlicht:
01. August 2024

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