Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 2018; 50(01): 51
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-124188
Der interessante Fall
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Isolated Dupuytren’s contracture of the distal interphalangeal joint of the little finger

Isolierte Dupuytren-Kontraktur des distalen Interphalangealgelenks des Kleinfingers
Andrzej Zyluk
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20. Dezember 2017 (online)

The most frequently digital cords in the Dupuytren’s disease are the central, spiral, and lateral. All these cords are responsible for flexion deformity of the PIP joint, but they do not reach the distal phalanx and the DIP joint remains unaffected. We report a patient with Dupuytren’s disease limited to the middle and distal phalanges and involving solely the DIP joint of the little finger.

  • Literatur

  • 1 Bellonias NC, Nancarow JD. Two unusal cases of distal interphalangeal joint Dupuytren’s contracture. Br J Plast Surg 1991; 44: 602-603
  • 2 Rao K, Shariff Z, Howcroft AJ. Dupuytren’s contracture of the distal interphalangeal joint: a rare presentation. J Hand Surg 2006; 31B: 694-695
  • 3 Takase K. Dupuytren’s contracture limited to the distal interphalangeal joint: a case report. Joint Bone Spine 2010; 77: 470-471
  • 4 Zyluk A. Dupuytren’s contracture limited to the distal interphalangeal joint: a case report. Pol Orthop Traumatol 2007; 72: 363-364