CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Homeopathy 2020; 109(03): 146-162
DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1710545
Case Series
The Faculty of Homeopathy

Homeopathic Clinical Features of 18 Patients in COVID-19 Outbreaks in Hong Kong

Ka Lun Aaron To
1   Hong Kong Association of Homeopathy, Hong Kong
1   Hong Kong Association of Homeopathy, Hong Kong
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Further Information

Publication History

31 March 2020

19 April 2020

Publication Date:
05 June 2020 (online)


Background Hong Kong is geographically located in the province of Guangdong which, after Hubei, has been the region of China second-most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Compared to the pathognomonic symptoms of the named disease, homeopathic symptoms are always more helpful for homeopathic prescriptions.

Aim This study reports and summarizes the homeopathic symptoms observed in 18 confirmed/suspected epidemiologically related cases in cluster outbreaks of COVID-19 in Hong Kong in early 2020.

Methods Homeopathic symptoms from this case series were collected from 18 consecutive patients who, in addition to their concurrent conventional treatment or traditional Chinese medicine, actively sought help from homeopathy as an adjunctive measure for symptomatic relief from COVID-19. Cases were categorized according to outbreak clusters, focusing mainly on the homeopathic symptoms. In the analysis, frequency of all homeopathic medicines, common rubrics in all the cases, common rubrics in each of the top-ranked remedies, and differentiating symptoms for each top-ranked remedy were determined.

Results Homeopathic symptoms of 18 cases, each identified as mild and belonging to one of six separate clusters, are reported. Eighteen common symptoms screened out of 79 selected rubrics constituted two sets of homeopathic symptom pictures: Bryonia alba (n = 4) and Gelsemium sempervirens (n = 12). Eight and seven differentiating features, respectively, were identified for Bryonia alba and Gelsemium sempervirens.

Conclusion The common symptoms of 18 mild COVID-19 cases constituted two sets of homeopathic symptom pictures, indicating Bryonia alba or Gelsemium sempervirens; they were indicated in 4 and 12 cases, respectively, out of the 18 in total.


1. Homeopathy was used in Hong Kong in the COVID-19 pandemic as an adjunctive measure for symptom relief alongside conventional medicine or TCM.

2. Homeopathic symptoms are always more helpful than pathognomonic symptoms of the named disease for homeopathic prescription.

3. Homeopathic symptoms of 18 cases from six clusters were reported.

4. Eighteen common symptoms with a minimal frequency of four were screened from 79 selected rubrics from all the cases.

5. The common symptoms constituted two sets of homeopathic symptom pictures: Bryonia alba and Gelsemium sempervirens. They were used in 4 and 12 cases respectively out of the 18 cases.

6. Eight and seven differentiating features were identified for Bryonia alba and Gelsemium sempervirens, respectively.