Homeopathy 2020; 109(04): 248-255
DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1709665

The Human Microbiome, Conventional Medicine, and Homeopathy

Ronald D. Whitmont
1   Department of Family and Community Medicine, New York Medical College, Rhinebeck, New York, United States
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Human health is intimately linked to the ecology and diversity of the human microbiome. Together, the human organism and the human microbiome work as a complex super-organism throughout the human life cycle. Microbiome science provides direct evidence and substantiation of the fundamental principles of homeopathy, including holism, psychosomatics, direction of cure, the Law of Similars, individuality and susceptibility, minimum dose, and homeostasis. Whilst many conventional (allopathic) medical treatments irreversibly damage the ecology of the microbiome and trigger chronic immune dysfunction and inflammation, the future sustainability of the entire field of medicine depends on the ability to recognize these inconvenient biological truths and to embrace a safer approach based on this evidence. Fortunately, one of the oldest forms of clinically verifiable, evidence-based, and ecologically sustainable medicine, that does not harm the microbiome, already exists in the form of homeopathy.


• Human health is intimately linked to the ecology and diversity of the human microbiome.

• Together, the human organism and the human microbiome form a complex super-organism.

• The principles of homeopathic medicine, including Holism, Psychosomatics, Direction of Cure, the Law of Similars, Individuality and Susceptibility, Minimum Dose, and Homeostasis, are all reflected in and substantiated by microbiome science.

• The only way forward in allopathic medicine is to abandon unsustainable practices that damage the microbiome and promote chronic illness.

• The future of medicine depends on incorporating microbiome science, and one of the most practical ways of doing this is through homeopathy.

Publication History

Received: 17 December 2019

Accepted: 17 February 2020

Article published online:
14 May 2020

The Faculty of Homeopathy