Nuklearmedizin 2020; 59(02): 128-129
DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1708245
Wissenschaftliche Vorträge
Medizinische Physik
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Hyperion III – A flexible PET detector platform for simultaneous PET/MRI

B Weissler
1   RWTH Aachen University, Department of Physics of Molecular Imaging Systems (PMI), Institute of Experimental Molecular Imaging (ExMI); Hyperion Hybrid Imaging Systems GmbH, Aachen
D Schug
1   RWTH Aachen University, Department of Physics of Molecular Imaging Systems (PMI), Institute of Experimental Molecular Imaging (ExMI); Hyperion Hybrid Imaging Systems GmbH, Aachen
T Dey
1   RWTH Aachen University, Department of Physics of Molecular Imaging Systems (PMI), Institute of Experimental Molecular Imaging (ExMI); Hyperion Hybrid Imaging Systems GmbH, Aachen
P Gebhardt
2   RWTH Aachen University, Department of Physics of Molecular Imaging Systems (PMI), Institute of Experimental Molecular Imaging (ExMI), Aachen
K Krueger
2   RWTH Aachen University, Department of Physics of Molecular Imaging Systems (PMI), Institute of Experimental Molecular Imaging (ExMI), Aachen
F Mueller
2   RWTH Aachen University, Department of Physics of Molecular Imaging Systems (PMI), Institute of Experimental Molecular Imaging (ExMI), Aachen
H Radermacher
2   RWTH Aachen University, Department of Physics of Molecular Imaging Systems (PMI), Institute of Experimental Molecular Imaging (ExMI), Aachen
N Gross-Weege
2   RWTH Aachen University, Department of Physics of Molecular Imaging Systems (PMI), Institute of Experimental Molecular Imaging (ExMI), Aachen
L Yin
2   RWTH Aachen University, Department of Physics of Molecular Imaging Systems (PMI), Institute of Experimental Molecular Imaging (ExMI), Aachen
V Nadig
2   RWTH Aachen University, Department of Physics of Molecular Imaging Systems (PMI), Institute of Experimental Molecular Imaging (ExMI), Aachen
V Schulz
1   RWTH Aachen University, Department of Physics of Molecular Imaging Systems (PMI), Institute of Experimental Molecular Imaging (ExMI); Hyperion Hybrid Imaging Systems GmbH, Aachen
› Author Affiliations
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
08 April 2020 (online)


Ziel/Aim Commercially available hybrid PET/MRI systems designed as whole-body systems compromise on sensitivity and spatial resolution. The Hyperion III platform provides flexible, MRI-compatible PET electronics to build PET systems for specific applications. The platform is organized as a tree topology. The sensor tile houses photosensors to read out attached scintillators. It uses Philips digital SiPMs providing 144 channels on 48 × 48 mm2. The sensor tiles are connected via flexible cables to a larger electronics board, which collects the data and transmits them to a central data acquisition and processing server via a 10 GBit optical link. Multiple of these modules can be synchronized via optical fibers. We use the Hyperion III platform to build three different scanners: A brain insert for 7T MRI, a dual-ring mammography insert and a wide-bore whole-body 1.5T PET/MRI system primarily designed for therapy planning for an MR-Linac.

Methodik/Methods For the mammography insert, a scintillator design with a crystal pitch of 1.33 mm and 3 layers to offer DOI information is employed. The brain insert utilizes a similar design with a pitch of 2 mm and the whole body system uses a single layer of crystals with a pitch of 4 mm.

We evaluated PET performance of the high-resolution as well as the whole-body topology. Furthermore, interference studies between the PET and MRI during simultaneous operation were conducted in a 1.5 T and 7 T MRI including intense RF and gradient sequences.

Ergebnisse/Results For the high-resolution topologies, all crystals can be resolved. Coincidence performance evaluations will be presented at the conference. The whole-body topology showed a coincidence resolving time (CRT) down to 260 ps. The PET data did not show any degradations in terms of CRT, energy resolution and count rate during MR operation, allowing for simultaneous imaging.

Schlussfolgerungen/Conclusions We created a flexible PET detector platform, which is fully MR-compatible and can be used to build PET systems for simultaneous PET/MRI. We will present results from three different systems currently being build.