Thromb Haemost 2018; 118(09): 1517-1527
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1667338
Review Article
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Reticulated Platelets: Changing Focus from Basics to Outcomes

Bashar Hannawi
1   Department of Cardiology, Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston, Texas, United States
Yousef Hannawi
2   Division of the Cerebrovascular Diseases and Neurocritical Care, Department of Neurology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States
Neal S. Kleiman
1   Department of Cardiology, Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart and Vascular Center, Houston, Texas, United States
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07. Mai 2018

08. Juni 2018

13. August 2018 (online)


Platelets play an essential role in the pathophysiology of atherothrombosis. Reticulated platelets (RPs) are the youngest platelet population in the circulation; their presence is an indicator of platelet turnover. Circulating levels of RPs are increased in patients with coronary artery disease and stroke. Preliminary indications are that the proportion of circulating RP is associated with the likelihood of ischaemic events such as acute coronary syndrome and stroke. Plausible mechanisms include: (1) increased participation of these platelets in thrombosis due to messenger ribonucleic acid that may be translated to active proteins, (2) lack of exposure to anti-platelet drugs since they are newly released from the bone marrow or (3) their presence is a non-specific marker of inflammation. In this state-of-the-art review, we discuss the implication of RP in coronary artery disease and in hypo-responsiveness to the most commonly used anti-platelet drugs.

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