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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1655446
Essential Athrombia
Publication History
Publication Date:
14 May 2019 (online)

A severe hemorrhagic disease was observed in a 15 month old infant. The laboratory studies revealed only one anomaly in the hemostatic mechanism of the patient: an impairment of the functions of agglomeration and adhesivity of his platelets. The authors believe that this is the second case in literature. The agglomeration and adhesive faculty of blood platelets and the relation of these platelet functions with blood coagulation, clot retraction and viscous metamorphosis are discussed.
* Dr. Seref Inceman, Assistant Professor, Department of Haematology, Third Internal Clinic of Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey; Dr. Asuman Ünügür, Chief Assistant, Department of Haematology, Third Internal Clinic of Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey; Dr. Metin Aran, Assistant, Department of Haematology, Third Internal Clinic of Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey.
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