Thromb Haemost 1963; 10(02): 278-281
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1654783
Originalarbeiten — Original Article — Travaux Originaux
Schattauer GmbH

Behaviour of Factors II, VII, IX and X in Bleeding Complications During Long-Term Treatment with Coumarin

E. A Loeliger
1   Haematology Section of the Department of Internal Medicine (Head: Prof. J. Mulder, M. D.), University Hospital, and the Thrombosis Service (Head: E. A. Loeliger, M. D.), Leyden, The Netherlands
A Hensen
1   Haematology Section of the Department of Internal Medicine (Head: Prof. J. Mulder, M. D.), University Hospital, and the Thrombosis Service (Head: E. A. Loeliger, M. D.), Leyden, The Netherlands
Mieke J. Mattern
1   Haematology Section of the Department of Internal Medicine (Head: Prof. J. Mulder, M. D.), University Hospital, and the Thrombosis Service (Head: E. A. Loeliger, M. D.), Leyden, The Netherlands
H. C Hemker
1   Haematology Section of the Department of Internal Medicine (Head: Prof. J. Mulder, M. D.), University Hospital, and the Thrombosis Service (Head: E. A. Loeliger, M. D.), Leyden, The Netherlands
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22. Juni 2018 (online)


In 20 patients suffering from bleeding complications during long-term treatment with phenprocoumon, the depression of the activity of Factors II, VII, IX and X, on the average, was found to be stronger than in so-called adequately treated patients, whereas no statistically significant differences could be demonstrated between the average activity of the 4 factors. The individual variations between the 4 factors were higher than those found in normal individuals and adequately treated patients.

Thrombotest activity appeared to be considerably lower than the average factor activity. This discrepancy is mainly caused by the action of the recently discovered circulating anticoagulant occurring in coumarin-treated or vitamin K-deficient patients.

  • References

  • 1 Hemker H. C, Veltkamp J. J, Hensen A, Loeliger E. A. Preprothrombin (complex?), a circulating anticoagulant in coumarin-treated and vitamin K-deficient patients. Proc. Gleneagles Conf., Int. Comm, for the Nomenclature of Blood Clotting Factors, 1963. Thrombos. Diathes. haemorrh. (Stuttg). to be published in 1964
  • 2 Hemker H. C, Velltkamp J. J, Mensen A, Loeliger E. A. Nature of prothrombin biosynthesis. Nature 200: 589 1963;
  • 3 Loeliger E. A, van der Esch B, Mattern M. J, den Brabander A. S. A. Behaviour of factors II, VII, IX, and X during long-term treatment with coumarin. Thrombos. Diathes. haemorrh. (Stuttg) 09: 74 1963;