Homœopathic Links 2018; 31(01): 018-024
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1637021
Materia Medica and Cases
Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd.

Clinically Verified Materia Medica: An Explanation and Remedy Example

Roger Morrison
1   Hahnemann Clinic, Richmond, California, United States
Nancy Herrick
1   Hahnemann Clinic, Richmond, California, United States
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30. März 2018 (online)


The ‘Clinically Verified Materia Medica’ is a work in progress. It is based on cured cases only rather than the opinions of the author or other trusted authorities. Only remedies of which at least three well-documented cured cases could be found are included. The basis for this project is a trove of seven to eight thousand cured cases from the practice of Roger Morrison and colleagues as also from journals and e-journals. In this article, a case of Lac lupinum by Nancy Herrick is presented as an example.

  • References

  • 1 Morrison R. Desktop Guide: To Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms. Berkeley: Hahnemann Clinic Publishing; 1993
  • 2 Hering C. . Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica. [10 volumes; Philadelphia, PA: American Homeopathic Publishing Society, J.M. Stoddart. 1879–1891.] New Delhi: Reprinted B. Jain Publishers; 1988
  • 3 Morrison R. Clinically Verified Materia Medica. Point Richmond, CA: Hahnemann Clinic Publishing; 2017
  • 4 Herrick N, Morrison R. Miasms of the New Millennium – New Insights into the Ten Miasms. Point Richmond, CA: Hahnemann Clinic Publishing; 2014
  • 5 Herrick N. Animal Mind—Human Voices. Berkeley, CA: Hahnemann Clinic Publishers; 1988