Methods Inf Med 1990; 29(03): 193-199
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1634782
Knowledge-based systems
Schattauer GmbH

BRAINDEX: An Interactive, Knowledge-Based System Supporting Brain Death Diagnosis[*]

G. Rom
1   Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute of Medical Informatics and Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Medical Informatics, Graz University of Technology
G. Schwarz
2   Department of Anesthesiology, University of Graz
R. Grims
3   Department of Neurology, State Hospital of Klagenfurt
E. Rumpl
3   Department of Neurology, State Hospital of Klagenfurt
G. Pfurtscheller
1   Ludwig-Boltzmann-Institute of Medical Informatics and Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Medical Informatics, Graz University of Technology
V. Haase
4   Institute for Information Systems, Graz University of Technology
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07. Februar 2018 (online)


BRAINDEX (Brain-Death Expert System) is an interactive, knowledge-based expert system offering support to physicians in decision making concerning brain death. The physician is given the possibility of communicating in almost natural language and, therefore, in terms with which he is familiar. This updated version of the system is implemented on an IBM-PC/AT with the expert system shell PC-PLUS and consists of about 430 rules. The determination of brain death is realized with backward chaining and for the optional coma-scaling a forward-chaining mechanism is used.

* Supported by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research


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  • 5 Rom G. BRAINDEX – Interaktives, Wissenbasierendes System zur Unterstützung der Hirntod-Diagnostik (Thesis).. Technical University of Graz; 1989
  • 6 Waterman DA. A Guide to Expert Systems . London: Addison-Wesley; 1986
  • 7 White AP. Inference deficiencies in rule-based expert systems. In: Research and Development in Expert Systems . British Computer Society Workshop Series; 1985: 39-50.
  • 8 Pfurtscheller G, Schwarz G, Moik H, Haase V. BRAINDEX – Em Expertensystem fur die Hirntoddiagnostik. Biomediz Technik 1989; 34: 3-8.