Journal of Pediatric Epilepsy 2018; 07(01): 024-026
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1629914
Case Report
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy in Childhood: A Report of Two Cases

Shinichiro Morıchı
1   Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
Yoshiaki Okuma
2   Department of Pediatrics, National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
Tomomi Urabe
1   Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
Tomoko Mori
1   Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
Mika Takeshita
1   Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
Natsumi Morishita
1   Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
Yu Ishida
1   Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
Shingo Oana
1   Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
Gaku Yamanaka
1   Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
Hisashi Kawashima
1   Department of Pediatrics, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, Japan
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10. Mai 2017

29. Dezember 2017

10. Februar 2018 (online)


Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) occurs in 1 in 4,500 children, and this incidence is more than 20 times that of sudden death in the general population. We report two cases of SUDEP and a review of the literature. There are various hypotheses regarding the cause of this event, but investigation and research are difficult due to the small number of autopsy cases. The risk of SUDEP may be reduced by the accumulation of cases in the future.

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