Nervenheilkunde 2004; 23(09): 498-501
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1626413
Schattauer GmbH

Die Felsmalereien der Buschmänner in Afrika

M. Spitzer
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
18 January 2018 (online)


  • Literatur

  • 1 Beringer K. Der Meskalinrausch. Berlin: Springer; 1927
  • 2 Coulson D, Campbell A. African Rock Art. Paintings and engravings on stone. New York, NY: Abrams; 2001
  • 3 Harrington A, Oepen G, Spitzer M. Disordered recognition and perception of human faces in acute schizophrenia and experimental psychosis. Comprehensive Psychiatry 1989; 30 (05) 376-84.
  • 4 Klüver H. Mescal. London: Kegan Paul; 1928
  • 5 Lewis-Williams JD. Harnessing the brain: Vision and Shamanism in Upper Palaeolithic Western Europe. In: Conkey MW, Soffer O, Stratmann D. (Hrsg.). Beyond Art: Pleistocene Image and Symbol. Berkeley: University of California Press; 1997: 321-42.
  • 6 Lewis-Williams JD. A cosmos in stone. Interpreting religion and society through rock art. Walnut Creek, CA: Altamira Press; 2002
  • 7 Lewis-Williams JD, Dowson TA. The signs of all times: Entoptic phenomena in upper palaeolithic art. Current Anthropology 1988; 29: 201-45.
  • 8 Spitzer M. Halluzinationen. Berlin: Springer; 1988