CC BY 4.0 · European J Pediatr Surg Rep. 2018; 06(01): e4-e6
DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1612633
Case Report
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Laparoscopic Finding of Ectopic Adrenocortical Tissue in a 2-Year-Old Boy with Vanishing Testis

Antonio Marte
1   Department of Pediatric Surgery, Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Naples, Italy
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24. Juli 2017

02. November 2017

10. Januar 2018 (online)


Ectopic adrenocortical tissue (EAT) along the spermatic cord is an unusual condition in children. The author reports on a 2-year-old boy with impalpable testis. On laparoscopy, EAT was detected along the hypotrophic spermatic vessels and excised. These remnants should be removed to prevent hormone production or malignant transformation.

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