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J Pediatr Intensive Care 2015; 04(02): 056-063
DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1556747
DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1556747
Review Article
Endotracheal Suctioning of the Critically Ill Child
Further Information
Publication History
20 October 2014
18 November 2014
Publication Date:
28 August 2015 (online)

Endotracheal suctioning is an essential intervention for the care of an intubated child and is one of the most commonly performed interventions in pediatric intensive care. Despite this, much of the research related to endotracheal suctioning is dated and the bulk of it conducted in preterm infants and adults. This paper will review research related to endotracheal suctioning that involves or relates to children in intensive care to provide a current review of the literature in this field. It will conclude with recommendations for practice where possible and identify areas for further research.
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