Planta Med 2014; 80 - P2B7
DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1394884

Network fitocerrado: Actions for promotion of use rational and sustainable of medicinal plants

NM Gouveia 1, PMS Bonfim 1, FBR Moura 1, HL Machado 1, DS Cordeiro 1, MAS Barbosa 2, MA Silva 2, VL Moura 2, AN Silva 2, A de Oliveira 1, FS Espindola 1
  • 1Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Av. Pará 1720, 38400 – 902, Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil
  • 2Secretaria Municipal de Saúde, Núcleo de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares, Prefeitura Municipal de Uberlandia, Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil

The FitoCerrado Network (Rede FitoCerrado) is a nongovernmental organization involved basically with extensions activities at the Federal University of Uberlandia, Uberlandia/Brazil to stimulate the implementation of public policies in the field of medicinal plants and phytoherapy. Our aim is to translate popular knowledge on herbal medicine into science through educational programs as well as to educate local communities in the appropriate use of medicinal plants. Also, appreciate the local flora through ethnopharmacological valuing the knowledge of traditional groups inserted in Brazilian savanna; the collection, herborization and identification of the cultivated species; based on ethnopharmacological surveys was prepared a database extracts with promising species in the study of alpha amylase inhibitors with potential antidiabetic; the organization of small work meetings held in public and private schools as well as in basic health unit; the publication of a hornbook entitled “Health for All” on medicinal plants sent to every school in our district; the organization of local and national periodic meetings involving the local community, industry, academia, government and health professionals; support the implementation of the National Program of medicinal plants[1] in the municipality of Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil; stimulate the interest of undergraduate students for research on medicinal plants through lectures and practical classes in the laboratory. In conclusion, our actions have contributed to the dissemination of safe use of medicinal plants in local communities (children, youth and adults) in addition to rescue and preserve traditional knowledge. We have students graduated more ethical and conscious through the interaction with the audience which included illiterate people or with a university education.

Fig. 1: Workshops Fitocerrado Network, preparation of wafer jatoba, liquid soap, and practical classes with undergraduates and students of elementary education.

Financial Support: FAPEMIG, CAPES/PNPD, MEC/PROEXT, CNPq and Rede Fitocerrado.

Keywords: Rede FitoCerrado, herbal medicine, basic health care


MINISTÉRIO DA SAÚDE. Política Nacional de Plantas Medicinais e Fitoterápicos. Brasília, DF: 2006. 60 p.