Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2014; 18 - a2493
DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1388837

Case Report: Conflict of Neurovascular Inner Auditory Canal

Jose de Lima Neves 1, Álvaro Muiños De Andrade 1, Candice Borges Magalhães 1, Guilherme Romano Busato Sachet 1, Gustavo Mesquita Landim 1, Narjara Lelis Bastos de Menezes 1
  • 1Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)

Introduction: Vascular compression by anomalous or redundant vessels has been related to disorders of cranial nerves since 1934 by Dandy. Patients with neurovascular conflict of vestibulocochlear nerve usually present with tinnitus, hearing loss, and vertigo as neurotological symptoms. Nuclear magnetic resonance has been used as an important diagnostic method and therapy planning.

Objectives: The study aims to report a case of a patient with neurovascular conflict of internal auditory canal, emphasizing the neurotological signs and symptoms and changes found in the supplementary examinations.

Resumed Report: A 61-year-oldwoman (FSO), presenting a history of constant tinnitus in right ear associated with ipsilateral hearing loss for 5 years. Normal ENT physical examination and report of vertigo were carried out just at the beginning of the frame. Audiometry showed sensorineural hearing loss and index of speech recognition of 52% in disyllabic in the right ear and normal hearing thresholds without changes in speech recognition in the left ear. Brainstem-evoked response audiometry was normal in the left ear and showed no waves in the right ear. Normal mastoid computed tomographic scan and magnetic resonance of the internal auditory meatus suggested neurovascular conflict involving VII and VIII cranial nerves and the superior cerebellar artery.

Conclusion: Faced with a patient with unilateral tinnitus and hearing loss, MRI as a complementary examination is crucial for proper diagnosis and therapeutic planning. Neurovascular conflict of VIII nerve is a differential diagnosis to be considered.

Keywords: neurovascular, conflict, auditory, canal, inner.