Int Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2014; 18 - a2127
DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1388679

An Understanding the Pattern of Involvement of Tumors of the Larynx in Brazil by Epidemiological Data

Emiliana Leopoldina Silva de Oliveira 1, Eurico Del Fiaco Neto 1
  • 1Centro Universitário UniEVANGÉLICA

Introduction: Laryngeal cancer has one of the highest prevalence among head and neck cancers, and therefore deserves special mention. It mainly affects men between the fifth and sixth decades of life, possibly due to smoking and alcoholism, but is also related to asbestos-related work. The diagnosis is clinical: persistent hoarseness in patients older than 40 years, checked through laryngoscopy and other clinical signs. Over 90% of cancers of the larynx are represented by squamous cell carcinoma. The treatment is surgical and may be partial or total laryngectomy.

Methods: Observational study and retrospective descriptive with quantitative approach. DATASUS data on deaths from malignant neoplasm of the larynx in Brazil between 2008 and 2013, including age and sex, were analyzed.

Objectives: The study aimed to describe the distribution of deaths from cancer of the larynx in the country according to sex and age.

Results: During the reporting period, there were 5,496 deaths from cancer of the larynx in Brazil. Affecting mostly males with 4,719 deaths (86%), and in individuals between 50 and 69 years of age (3,375 deaths), representing 61% of the total.

Conclusion: Laryngeal cancer is a worldwide public health problem, the incidence and mortality of capacity often related to lifestyle. Neoplasms are responsible for 6 million deaths each year throughout the world. Through epidemiological studies and knowledge of the pattern of involvement, the application of preventive measures has become easier, in addition to early diagnosis and improved survival rates of these patients.