Planta Med 2013; 79 - PL2
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1352311

Sainfoin production and contents of condensed tannins in the leaves

X Simonnet 1, M Quennoz 1, C Carlen 2
  • 1Mediplant, Swiss Research Centre on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Conthey, Switzerland
  • 2Agroscope ACW, Conthey, Switzerland

Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.) is a forage legume of drier regions. Due to its anthelmintic properties the sainfoin is a natural alternative to drugs to control parasitism in the guts of small ruminants. Recent parasitological experiments on sheep and goats suggest that moderate dietary concentrations of condensed tannins (CT) can beneficially affect their health and performance. The effectiveness of the use of this feed seems very closely related to a minimum content of CT in the leaves. The literature reflects the variability of CT observed under the conditions of production.

The studies conducted by Mediplant, in Switzerland from 2010 to 2012, have clarified the importance of the cultivar, harvest frequency and harvest stage on the CT content. A harvest at the early flowering stage offers the best guarantee to get high levels of TC (up to 6 – 7%), especially for the first harvest in spring. During the season the content of CT content is increasing from spring to autumn. The choice of the adapted cultivars (Perly, Perdix) is also crucial for content of CT in leaves (4 – 7%), but also for the productivity and the sustainability of the crop.