Planta Med 2013; 79 - PH14
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1348604

Leaf Epidermal Characters of Solanum as Support to its Pharmacobotany

M de Fátima Agra 1, IJLD Basílio 1, ND Araújo 1, FG da Costa Leite 1, R Costa-Silva 2, VS Sampaio 2
  • 1Laboratório de Taxonomia e Farmacoboânica, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, CP 5009, João Pessoa, Brasil
  • 2PPGBV, UFPE, Recife, PE. Brasil

Leaf samples of 67 species of Solanum, popularly known as "Jurubeba" and used in traditional medicine in Brazil, were analyzed. The indument ranged from glabrous, tomentose to hirsute; the trichomes morphology is very diverse: simple, stellate (Fig. 1A, CD) and peltate (Fig. 1B). The stellate trichomes are predominant and most diverse, being sessile, stalked, multiangulate, porrect-stellate, with or without glandular rays (Fig. 1C). The anticlinal walls of the epidermis and the type and distribution of stomata are also distinguishing characters of Solanum species.

Fig. 1: A. Tomentose indument; B. Peltate trichomes; C Stellate-glandular trichomes; D. Detail of stellate-stalked trichome; E. Anisocytic stomata; F. Straight anticlinal walls; G. Sinuous anticlinal walls; H. Amphistomatic leaf, in cross-section.