Pneumologie 2013; 67 - P41
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1334752

Comparative Result of Biopsies for Patients having a Sarcoidosis (Salivary Gland Biopsy for Diagnosis of Sarcoidosis)

M Bratkovskis 1
  • 1Zentrum für Tuberkulose und Lungenerkrankungen, Riga/Lettland

Aim: An effectiveness of different groups of diagnostic biopsies has been analysed for 590 patients having a sarcoidosis and treated during 2007 – 2011 in our Clinic. The aim of this analysis and research was the determination of diagnostic values.

Methods: 1069 distinct biopsies have been carried out and distiguished into folloving groups:

  • The group of salivary glands biopsies. There are 112 positive biopsies (23,1%) among 484.

  • Bronchoscopic biopsies -549. There are 384 positive (69,9%) among them.

  • Biopsies due to operations. There are 36 postive biopsies among 36.

Conclusions: Results of biopsies for patients having a sarcoidosis in Latvia vary from 23,1% to 100% (VATS). Folloving to our experience the biopsy of salivary glands is effective: This biopsy is technically easy performed by a dentist. There are no complication during this research. This easy and mostly ambulant biopsy has the effectiveness (23,1%).