Rofo 2012; 184 - A01
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1326800

Differentiation of high and low grade tumours in paediatric patients by using apparent diffusion coefficients

L Porto 1, A Jurcoane 1, M Kieslich 2, D Schwabe 3, T Lehrnbecher 3, E Hattingen 1
  • 1Neuroradiology Department
  • 2Neuropaediatric Department
  • 3Paediatric Hematology/Oncology Department, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main

Objektive: This study was performed to confirm the hypothesis that preoperative apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) can be used to distinguish between „low grade“ and „high grade“ tumours in paediatric patients.

Material and methods: Thirty-two paediatric brain tumours were evaluated. Twenty-one children with low grade brain tumours (14 WHO I astrocytomas, 4 WHO II astrocytomas, 2 craniopharyngeomas and 1 ganglioglioma) and 11 children with high grade brain tumours (5 medulloblastomas, 1 ependymoma, 1 PNET, 1 malignant rhabdoid tumor, 1 malignant germ cell tumor, 1 WHO IV astrocytoma, 1 rhabdomyosarcoma metastasis) were included in this study. DWI images including ADC evaluations were analyzed.

Results: High grade brain tumours showed significant lower ADC values than low grade brain tumours in children.

Conclusion: Corroborating the information obtained from conventional MR imaging with the ADC values may increase the accuracy of pre-operative distinction between low grade and high grade paediatric tumours.