Planta Med 2012; 78 - PI221
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1320908

(-)-Cubebin and (-)-Hinokinin: Evaluation of immunomodulatory effects in Chagas' disease

VR Esperandim 1, DS Ferreira 1, KCS Rezende 1, R Lucarini 1, LGR Oliveira 2, MLA e Silva 1
  • 1Universidade de Franca, Franca, SP, Brazil
  • 2Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil

Chagas' disease is transmitted by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi and in Brazil Benznidazole (Rochagan®) is the only drug with trypanocidal activity available in the market. (-)-Cubebin 1 was isolated from Piper cubeba L. and (-)-hinokinin 2 was obtained from 1 by partial synthesis, followed by purification via high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) furnishing 2 with 98% yield. For detection of changes in cellular response we quantified the production of nitric oxide for animals treated orally with the compounds, where the results showed that the substances 1 and 2 and increased production of nitric oxide (males control 39,102µM and treated 62,974µM; females control 57,358µM and treated 83,769µM). These results showed 1 and 2 as immunomodulating agents of the immune response by increasing nitric oxide production by infected animals and subjected to treatment with these substances. Sponsors: CNPq, FAPESP and CAPES.