Planta Med 2012; 78 - PD22
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1320380

Synthesis and anti-cancer activity of alpha-santonin derivative

TA Arystanova 1, AD Serikbayeva 1, YK Orynbassarov 1
  • 1South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy, Shymkent, Kazakhstan

Synthesis is based on cooperation of equimol quantity of chloralhydrate thiosemicarbazid with sodium acetate, adding alpha-santonin, extracted from Artemisia cina Berg. ex Polyak, in spirit. The extraction of composition is 90%. The construction of extracted santonin thiosemicarbazon proved by the methods of IR-, H-1NMR-spectroscopy. Santonin thiosemicarbazon (C16H21O3N3S) obtained as chromatographically clean, colorless substance, easily soluble in dimethylsulfocside and dimethylformamide, but badly soluble in methanol and chloroform. UV-spectrum has maximum absorption at 270±2nm wave lengths in neutral environment (95% ethyl spirit). At IR-spectrum (cm-1) there are stripes of absorption at 2942.15, 2898.02, 2870.33 (C-H, CH2, CH3 groups), 1772.99 (–C=O in γ-lactone cycle), 1225.751 (C=S). At NMR-spectroscopy of santonin thiosemicarbazon there are signals of protons of the third methyl group at 1.02m.d (3H, singlet C10-CH3), the methyl group at γ-lactone cycle at 1.13 ppm. (3H, doublet, J=6.5Hz, C11-CH3). The lactone proton is presented as doublet at 5.59 ppm. (1H. doublet, J=5Hz, C6-H). The proton signal of N-H group is presented as singlet at 11ppm. The anti-cancer activity of santonin thiosemicarbazon is detected against these strains of cancers: solid Ehrlich carcinoma, adenocarcinoma of the breast glands (Ca755), melanoma B16, Lewis lung carcinoma (LL), Walker carcinosarcoma, Pliss lymphosarcoma (LSP), sarcoma 45 (S-45).