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DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1283175
Sports Therapy for Attention, Cognitions and Sociality
Publication History
accepted after revision 07 June 2011
Publication Date:
08 November 2011 (online)

The aim of the present study was to understand if sport improves attention symptoms, social competency, and cognitive functions in children with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The present study was designed as a 6-week, prospective trial, including 12 sessions of education/sports therapy. 13 ADHD children participated in a 90-min athletic activity (sports-cADHD) twice a week, while 15 ADHD children received education on behavior control (edu-cADHD). During the 6-week treatment period, the sports-cADHD group showed greater improvements in DuPaul’s ADHD Rating Scale scores, parent and teacher version (K-ARS-PT), compared to those of the edu-sADHD group. The cognitive functions assessed with the digit symbol and Trail-Making Test part B (TMT B) were improved in the sports-cADHD group, while the cognitive functions observed in the edu-sADHD group were not significantly changed. The cooperativeness scores in the sports-cADHD group were greatly increased compared to those of the edu-sADHD group. The results demonstrated a positive correlation with sports and improvement in attention symptoms, cognitive symptoms and social skills. The results of the present study suggest that therapy in the form of athletic activity may increase social competency in children with ADHD, as demonstrated by improved cognitive functions.
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