Planta Med 2011; 77 - PM46
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1282804

The use of a new phytodrug Suttigen in gynaecology for treatment of inflammatory processes

S Rakhmadiyeva 1, G Aizan 1, B Nelja 2, B Gulbaram 2
  • 1Gazizova Aizan Eurasian National University named after LN Gumilev, 5, Munaitpassov, 010008, Astana, Kazakhstan
  • 2Basharova Gulbaram National Scientific Medical Center, 27, Kabanbay batyr, 010008, Astana, Kazakhstan

The aim of the research is an assessment according to the microbiological parameters of 3% suttigen ointment on the basis of Suttigen substance from a grass of Euphorbia soongarica Boiss., as vaginal swabs.

In 185 female patients with inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs suttigen ointment was applied. The levomekol ointment (55 patients) and 10% the metiluratsil ointment (43 patients) was applied in the control groups. Along with a local therapy there was a general treatment with antibiotics, desensibilization and detoxification drugs. During the treatment, a quantitative microbiological examination of smears from the cervical canal, urethra and vagina was carried out in women with inflammatory conditions of the pelvic organs. The intake of material was within the time of patients admission and continued in the dynamics for 2–3 days. Before the treatment, semination wounds of Staphylococcus aureus were 105 · 106 microbial bodies in genital habitats. On the 5th and the 6th days of the therapy with the use of this ointment was a completed resulting in a complete clearance of the genital habitat of Staphylococcus aureus. The content of Staphylococcus aureus in genital swabs in the control groups on the first day there were 105 · 106 microbial bodies, while on the third day 105 and on the fifth day –103. In comparison with the ointments of levomekol and 10% metiluratsil, 3% suttigen ointment reduced the duration of a genital cleansing of biotopes from microflora to more than 1.3–1.5 times and improved therapy.