Planta Med 2011; 77 - PA6
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1282202

Iridoid and flavonoid patterns of the genus Veronica sect. Alsinebe subsect. Agrestis (Benth.) Stroh (Lamiales) and their systematic significance

S Saeidi Mehrvarz 1, N Mahmoodi 1
  • 1Deparment of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

In most taxonomic schemes Agrestis is considered as a subsection of the genus Veronica (1,2). The distribution of two Iridoid and six flavonoid compounds in four Veronica L. Sect. Alsinebe subsect. Agrestis species (23 samples) from Iranian Natural populations was investigated. Veronica francispetae M. A. Fisch. and V. siaretensis E. Lehm. were studied for these compounds for the first time. The Iridoid and flavonoid patterns showed a good correlation with morphological and chemical features of these taxa. The studied species are closest together according to the flavonoid patterns: species containing quercetin derivatives (V. persica Poir., V. polita Fr.) and species containing quercetin (V. francispetae, V. siaretensis). V. persica and V. polita are generally related in their morphology, however, V. persica can be distinguished from V. polita due to the occurrence of 6-O-isovanilloylcatalpol. V. persica is an aggressive tetraploid species. Different opinions exist regarding its origin as an autopolyploid from V. polita (3).

Acknowledgement: This research was supported by the project of the Guilan University.

References: 1. Fischer MA, Peev D (1995) Genus Pseudolysimachion Opiz. In: Kozhuharov St., Kozmanov B. (eds.) Flora of the republic of Bulgaria, vol. X. Prof. M. Drinov, Sofia, pp. 190–202.

2. Albach DC, Martinez-Ortega MM, Fischer MA, Chase MW (2004) Taxon 53 (2): 429–452.

3. Peev D (1978) Taxonomy and microevolution of the wild-growing representatives of the genus Veronica L. in Bulgaria. In: Kozhuharov St, Kozmenov B (eds) Evolution of the flowering plants and florogenesis, vol I. Izd BAN., Sofia, pp. 72–106