Int J Sports Med 2011; 32(8): 591-597
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1275300
Training & Testing

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Factors Discriminating Gymnasts by Competitive Level

B. Vandorpe1 , J. Vandendriessche1 , R. Vaeyens1 , J. Pion1 , J. Lefevre2 , R. Philippaerts1 , M. Lenoir1
  • 1Ghent University, Department of Movement and Sports Sciences, Ghent, Belgium
  • 2Department of Biomedical Kinesiology, K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Further Information

Publication History

accepted after revision February 18, 2011

Publication Date:
11 May 2011 (online)


This study examined the relationship between the performance level as evaluated by expert coaches and the results on a multidimensional test battery in female gymnastics. 4 coaches assigned 168 female gymnasts aged 6–8 years into 2 groups (Elite-level potential, n=103 and Sub-elite-level potential, n=65) based upon their technical evaluation of the gymnastics abilities on the 4 apparatus. Moreover, anthropometric, physical and coordinative characteristics were assessed. ANOVA with age as fixed factor revealed that results on all aforementioned characteristics, except body fat%, sit-and-reach, rope climbing and a motor coordination test, significantly improved with increasing age. MANCOVA with competitive level as fixed factor and age and maturity as covariates indicated that all gymnasts portrayed a similar athletic built (Wilks’ lambda=0.95, F=2.20, p=0.071), but the elite-level potential gymnasts outperformed the less gifted gymnasts on all physical (Wilks’ lambda=0.65, F=8.00, p<0.001) and coordinative variables (Wilks’ lambda=0.79, F=22.10, p<0.001). Discriminant analysis revealed motor coordination to be the most important factor in discriminating between young female elite and sub-elite gymnasts. A test battery measuring multidimensional performance characteristics is valuable in addition to the coaches’ technical judgment in the search of young gifted female gymnasts.


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Barbara Vandorpe

Ghent University

Department of Movement and

Sports Sciences

Watersportlaan 2

9000 Ghent


Phone: + 32/926/494 41

Fax: + 32/926/464 84
