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DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1266091
Kostenstruktur eines Case-Management-Programms in der hausärztlichen Depressionstherapie
Cost Structure of a Telephone-Based Case Management in Primary Care Depression TherapyPublication History
Publication Date:
27 April 2011 (online)

Anliegen Case Management für Hausarztpatienten mit Major Depression verbessert die Symptome. Wir stellen die Interventionskosten des Primary Care Monitoring for Depression Trials dar. Methode Aufwands- und Kostenanalyse der Intervention. Ergebnisse Der Case Manager wendete im Jahr 6,3 Stunden, der Hausarzt 3,6 Stunden pro Patient auf. Die Jahreskosten für das Case Management betrugen 277,– € / Patient / Jahr. Schlussfolgerungen Case Management ist wirksam bei akzeptablen Kosten und kleinen Praxen.
Objectives Case management by health care assistants in small primary care practices has proven effective in improving depression symptoms in depressive patients. Resource consumption and costs of this intervention have not been evaluated yet. Methods Health care assistants and general practitioners of 15 participating practices were interviewed for intervention-related time expenditures. Intervention costs were based on individual labour costs. Results The annual time spent was 6.3 h per patient for health care assistants and 3.6 h for general practitioners (mean 8.9 patients per practice). The case management caused costs of € 277 per patient and year. Conclusions A telephone-based case management as add-on therapy improves quality of primary care depression therapy while causing only moderate costs for health care providers.
Case Management - Depression - Primärversorgung - Kostenanalyse - Gesundheitsökonomie
case management - depression - primary care - costs - health economy
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Prof. Dr. med. Jochen Gensichen
Institut für Allgemeinmedizin, Universitätsklinikum Jena, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität
Bachstraße 18
07743 Jena