Planta Med 2010; 76 - P201
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1264499

Isolation of iridoid glucosides from Euphrasiae herba using droplet counter-current chromatography

S Strahler 1, H Rauwald 1
  • 1Leipzig University, Department of Pharmacy, Chair of Pharmaceutical Biology, Johannisallee 21–23, 04103 Leipzig, Germany

Euphrasia officinalis is a hemiparasite belonging to the family of Orobanchaceae. It grows unattached or attached to various host plants in grasslands of Eurasia. Traditionally but not evidence based used for various eye sufferings it is also known as eyebright (Augentrost). Typical active constituents beside phenolics such as phenylethanoids, lignans, phenolic acids and flavonoids are iridoids like aucubin, catalpol, euphroside, melampyroside, boschnaloside and others. Interestingly, the transfer of iridoids from the host plant to Euphrasia species was described, too [1]. For isolation of iridoid glucosides from Euphrasiae herba a practicable droplet counter-current chromatography method was developed according to iridoid isolations from Premna japonica [2]. On the basis of TLC pre-experiments the solvent system CHCl3:MeOH:H2O:n-PrOH 9:12:8:1 was used in descending mode. The iridoid enriched sample was gained from a methanolic extract by separation against apolar solvents and by a column chromatography with Al2O3. The structures of isolated iridoids were established by spectroscopic evidence. Thus the results obtained provide possible marker compounds useful for future pharmacopoeial analytics as well as for pharmacological investigations on eye diseases.

Acknowledgements: Leipzig University, Tobias Liebold

References: 1. Rasmussen, L.S. et al. (2006) Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 34: 763–765.

2. Otsuka, H. et al. (1991) Phytochemistry 30: 1917–1920.