Planta Med 2010; 76 - P186
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1264484

Comparative analysis of amino acid composition of some species of Pulmonaria

D Kruglov 1, N Fursa 2
  • 1Novosibirsk State Medical University, Department of Pharmacognosy, Krasny Prospect 52, 630091 Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
  • 2Yaroslavl State Medical Academy, Department of Pharmacognosy, Revolutsionnaya Street 5, 150000 Yaroslavl, Russian Federation

Three species of Pulmonaria are prevailing in Eurasia, namely – P. officinalis L., P. obscura Dumort and P. mollis Wulf ex Hornem [1]. All of these are the sources of polysaccharides combined with vegetable proteins. This polysaccharide-protein complex has a pharmacological activity, especially as a chelating agent for Fe3+-ion than the antianemic activity of extracts made from these plants can be explained [2]. The aminoacid content in aerial parts of these plants have been defined by the aminoacid analyzer „Hitachi“. The analyzer had been calibrated by using a composition of standard samples of amino acids. The sample solutions made from each plant were put into the column of the analyzer which was filled up with a sulphated copolymer (styrene with divinylbenzene). The elution of aminoacids has been done by buffer solutions with different pH (3,3–4,9). Aminoacids were detected by photometry after an effluent was reacted with ninhydrin. As a result was established the content of 10 replaceable aminoacids, such as: – alanine (7,1–7,3%), arginine (6,0–6,3%), asparagic acid (10,2–10,3%), gystidine (2,0–2,3%), glycine (6,2–6,5%), glutamic acid (12,4–13,1%), proline (4,9–6,1%), serine (5,0%), tyrosine (3,2–3,5%), cysteine (0,2–0,3%) and 7 irreplaceable aminoacids, such as: valine (6,3–6,5%), isoleucine (5,2–5,3%), leucine (10,6–10,8%), lysine (5,6–6,3%), metionine (1,2–1,3%), treonine (5,0%), phenylalanine (6,7–7,1%). The conclusion that in aerial parts of these plants contain 11–13% aminoacids. Qualitative and quantitative structure is not dependent on the species of plant. All three investigated species of Pulmonaria can be considered as a source of essential amino acids.

References: 1. Tutin, T. et al. (1976) Flora Europeae vol. III. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge.

2. Kruglov D. (2007) 3rd Inter. Conf. „Basic Science for Medicine“, SEP 28, Novosibirsk, RUSSIA.