Planta Med 2010; 76 - SL_36
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1264274

The standard is set – can it be implemented? The African Herbal Pharmacopeia

T Brendler 1
  • 1Association for African Medicinal Plants Standards (AAMPS) & Plantaphile Ltd., Belforter Str. 20, 10405 Berlin, Germany

Africa contributes 25% of the global pool of plant genetic resources currently being traded. While over 5.000 African plant species are known to be used medicinally, few have been described and studied. This enormous potential for African countries can only be utilized with internationally recognized quality standards in place, since their absence constitutes a major barrier to regional and international trade. The preparation and publication of the African Herbal Pharmacopeia (AfrHP) by the Association of African Medicinal Plant Standards (AAMPS, has been completed to help address this issue. Fifty important African medicinal plant species have been described comprising relevant safety, efficacy and quality data in order to promote the cultivation and trade of these important medicinal plants. This presentation sheds some light on the issues which arose over compiling and editing the monograph drafts with regards to areas where further research and investigation is warranted. It also discusses strategies for making the pharmacopoeia available and accessible to the African, as well as international business and scientific communities. Finally, it calls upon African regulators to consider adopting these pharmacopoeial standards, since only when turned into legislation can they make the desired impact.