pferde spiegel 2010; 13(1): 12-16
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1240937

© Enke Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

Richtlinien zur Kaufuntersuchung und zum Export von Pferden und Sperma aus Europa in die USA

Guidelines for navigation of prepurchase examinations and importation requirements for European performance horses and semen entering the United StatesMalte Harland, Stefanie Krekeler, Allison Stewart und Reinhard Böse
Weitere Informationen


16. März 2010 (online)


Prepurchase examinations require careful instructions regarding expectations as to which procedures are to be performed. Importation requirements change constantly and it is essential that the veterinarian has current information concerning regulations. On occasions there have been horses that test positive on arrival which had tested negative in Europe. No test has a 100 % sensitivity or specificity. The European as well as the new US owner must recognize this potential problem. Despite preventative measures, CEM was cultured in 1978 in Kentucky, 1979 in Missouri, 2006 in Wisconsin and in December 2008 in a Quarter Horse stallion's semen that was being prepared for international shipment from Kentucky. During this most recent CEM outbreak, CEM was cultured from 21 stallions and 5 mares over a 6 months period in California, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Texas and Wisconsin. It is questionable, if the USA are still free of CEM.

Having an understanding of testing requirements for exotic diseases and an appreciation for potential misunderstandings that may occur during a foreign prepurchase examination will allow veterinarians to best advise their clients. Working with an European veterinarian who is well acquainted with export procedures and employing a reputable shipping company will help ensure that your patient arrives safely at its final destination and everybody is satisfied.


Dr. med. vet. Malte Harland
Dr. med. vet. Stefanie Krekeler

Pferdeklinik Mühlen

Münsterlandstraße 42

49439 Mühlen



Department of Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
Auburn University

Auburn, AL 36849


PD Dr. med. vet. habil. Reinhard Böse

Labor Dr. Böse GmbH

Carl-Zeiss-Straße 6

31177 Harsum