Neuropediatrics 2009; 40(1): 32-38
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1231055
Original Article

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Cognitive versus Behavioral ADHD Phenotype: What is it all About?

F. Perez-Alvarez 1 , 3 , C. Serra-Amaya 2 , C. A. Timoneda-Gallart 2
  • 1Hospital Universitari Dr J Trueta, Department of Neuropediatrics, Girona, Spain
  • 2Educational Psychology UdG and Institut Recerca Qualitat de Vida i Fundació Carme Vidal, Department of Psychology, Girona, Spain
  • 3Affiliated to JP Das Developmental Centre, Alberta, Canada,
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received 13.04.2009

accepted 18.06.2009

28. Juli 2009 (online)


The ADHD PASS assessment is discussed. 100 combined and 50 inattentive ADHD patients with DSM IV − TR criteria, no comorbidity, and no previous treatment were enrolled. Those with SNAP-IV≥2.5/1.8 (teacher/parents) [n=96] were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 treatment groups: Concerta®, humanistic psychology, and Concerta®+psychology. Those with SNAP-IV<2.5/1.8 [n=54] to 1 of 2 groups: Concerta® and Concerta®+psychology. All of them [n=150] we administered the SNAP-IV and cognitive DN:CAS battery at baseline and 6 and 12 months later. Cluster analysis and paired Student t-test were applied. The cluster analysis produced three cognitive profiles: one [n=96] with planning dysfunction and SNAP-IV≥2.5/1.8, the majority [n=76] combined ADHD; another [n=38] with successive processing dysfunction and SNAP-IV<2.5/1.8, the majority [n=28] inattentive ADHD; and another [n=16] without cognitive dysfunction and with SNAP-IV<2.5/1.8, [n=8] combined and [n=8] inattentive. Only planning ameliorated at 12 months assessment. It was better in group 3 (p<0.1) than in group 1 (p<0.5), than in group 2 (p<0.4/0.3). Remission was parallel to planning improvement, group 3>group 1> group 2. PASS assessment in ADHD may be relevant.


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F. Perez-Alvarez

Department of Neuropediatrics

Hospital Universitari Dr J Trueta

Carretera de França s/n Girona

17007 Girona


Telefon: +34/972/94 02 41

Fax: +34/972/94 02 00
