Semin intervent Radiol 2009; 26(3): 207-214
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1225669
© Thieme Medical Publishers

Visceral Arteriography in Trauma

A. Rao Chimpiri1 , Balasubramani Natarajan1
  • 1Department of radiology, Oklahoma University of Health Sciences, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
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12. August 2009 (online)


The nonoperative management including endovascular treatment of traumatic injuries to most abdominal solid viscera is increasingly gaining acceptance as treatment of choice in a select group of patients. The indications, techniques, and principles of endovascular management of hepatic, splenic, and renal injuries are discussed in this review.


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A. Rao ChimpiriF.R.C.R. 

Assistant Professor of Radiology

Oklahoma University of Health Sciences, Oklahoma City, OK 73126-0901
