Homœopathic Links 2009; 22(3): 134-138
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1185956

© Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG

CQ: Curability Quotient

Quotient Deciding Whether the Patient has the Ability to Restore Herself to HealthChetna N. Shukla
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25. August 2009 (online)


CQ is short for the Curability Quotient. The CMS model of CQ is a test to measure the ability to restore oneself to health. If we can gauge the efficiency of this ability to self-repair in disease, we can judge whether the patient has all the traits to bring herself to cure, and we can define the traits that need to be worked on to achieve this purpose.


  • 1 Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. 6th ed (reprint edition), translated by William Boericke. New Delhi; B. Jain Publishers 1997
  • 2 Dhawale M L. Principles and Practice of Homeopathy, Part I. 2nd ed. Mumbai; Institute of Clinical Research 1985: 357-380

1 Emotional Intelligence refers to the capacity to recognize our feelings and those of others, to motivate ourselves, and to manage emotions well in ourselves and in our relationships.

2 Curability Measuring Scale.

3 One day, when this gulf between the mind and the body becomes even wider, maybe “tears” will just be a physical function of the lachrymal gland and for all who have a weeping tendency they will prescribe a low salt diet, special Lachry-chromatic goggles, restricted fluid intake and for worst cases even a “Lachrymalectomy”!

4 If you believe that “All life is a hereditary disease” then you will not accept that we are all born with a 100 % CQ in health (a 100 % ability/capacity to self-repair).

5 SQ: Susceptibility Quotient is the opposite of Curability Quotient. In epidemiology a “susceptible” person is a member of the population who is at risk of becoming infected by a disease, if s/he is exposed to the infectious agent. In this case it implies the ability of the individual to invite disease. It is a guide to her potential to develop a disease and/or to continue having a disease. It shows us the intention of not getting healthy. In homeopathy some define “susceptibility” as an inherent capacity to react to stimuli in the environment.

Dr. Chetna N. Shukla

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eMail: drchetna.shukla@gmail.com