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DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1185825
© Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG
Homeopathy as a Transpersonal and Transformative Practice
25. August 2009 (online)

The practice of homeopathy is considered from a transpersonal perspective, and homeopathy's clinical practice is conceptualized as a transformative practice. Under this conceptualization, homeopathy is discussed as a tried and tested model that integral medicine can build from, and the phenomenalistic practice of homeopathy is seen as potentially transformative to the consciousness of the homeopath serving as an example the integral health practitioner can learn from. The beneficial and global implications of these considerations reveal homeopathy's important contemporary role.
Key words
Transpersonal psychology - Integral medicine - Transformative practice
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Ph.D., H.D. (R.Hom) Christopher K. Johannes Tokunin Assistant Professor, Kansai Gaidai University, Osaka, JapanProgram Director, Integral Health Studies, Akamai University
MD Harry van der Zee Editor-in-Chief Homoeopathic LinksDirector Amma Resonance Healing Foundation
DEd, FRSH (Lond.) Carl Edwin Lindgren Professor at American Military University and Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science