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DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1096346
Method and strategy in clinical neuroendocrinology of gonadotropin disorders of puberty, fertile period and menopause
It is well established that the gonadotropin regulation mechanisms behave as an automatic “pacemaker“ system starting as cyclic mechanism in puberty and slowly disappear at menopause. This automatic system is influenced as modulatory by steroid hormones and newly by neurosteroids synthetized in neuronal system from hypothalamus and limbic structures. It is well known that LH-RH is released by pulsatile kind and episodic at ovulation. Generally in all steps of gonadotropin function for a normal reproduction is necessary to know the values of LH, FSH, ESTRADIOL, PROG, PROLACTIN, TESTOSTERON, PLASMA CORTISOL and newly INHIBIN. Second step of investigation strategy involve some pharmacologic strategy to test central function of system and gonadal capacity of response to LH-RH, FSH, LH also the response of central structures hypothalamic and limbic structures to small quantities of particular steroids as medroxyprogesterone, orgametril and anabolic steroids. Our experience exhibit a strong support for initiation a specific strategy for each step of gonadotropin results.form of this function described in enlarged study. Generaly we give very small dose of steroids.