Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 2008; 68 - PO_Onko_01_02
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1088800

Quality of life and adjuvant tamoxifen treatment in breast cancer patients

D Boehm 1, A Lebrecht 1, EJ Kantelhardt 2, M Schmidt 1, W Siggelkow 1, H Kölbl 1
  • 1Klinik und Poliklinik für Geburtshilfe und Frauenkrankheiten der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Mainz
  • 2Klinik und Poliklinik für Geburtshilfe und Reproduktionsmedizin, Universität Halle, Halle/Saale

About two thirds of all breast cancer patients are treated with adjuvant hormonal therapy. Side effects of tamoxifen and their effects on physical, emotional, and social functioning have been shown to impair the quality of life. Aim of this paper was to evaluate the side effects and level of influence on the physical, emotional, and social functioning caused by tamoxifen treatment. For assessment of quality of life an own questionnaire was designed. Between January 2001 and December 2003, 136 women with breast cancer and adjuvant tamoxifen therapy were included in this study. Data of side effects, physical and mental health and patientsrsquor; self-evaluation identified detrimental effects on patientsrsquor; quality of life. Prevalence and severity of symptoms were not influenced by length of tamoxifen treatment. Patients were damaged in their constitution in respect to previous chemotherapy and pre-existing diseases, no influence was found by age or histopathological tumour characteristics. Our survey determines that breast cancer patients experience significant influence on quality of life by the negative impact on the physical, emotional, and social functioning caused by tamoxifen treatment. Explicit attention to changes in quality of life should be considered as part of the standard care for women receiving adjuvant tamoxifen treatment.