Planta Med 2008; 74 - PB8
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1084355

Phytochemical study and CNS effects of Satureja mexicana

R Estrada-Reyes 1, SA Gallegos 1, AJ Moreno 1, MG Heinze 1, M Martínez-Vázquez 2
  • 1Instituto Nacional de Psiquiatria, CP 14370, Mexico, D. F., Mexico.
  • 2Instituto de Quimica, CP 04510, Mexico, D. F., Mexico

Aqueous preparations of Satureja mexicana (AESM) have been traditionally used in folk Mexican medicine as remedies against nervous diseases as well as an analgesic agent. In the present study, we investigated central nervous effects of AESM on different behavior animal models in mice, such as the effects on locomotor activity antinociceptive, sedative and anti-convulsive test. The results showed that AESM possesses dose-dependently anti-nociceptive effect in the hot plate model, it was manifested as a delayed in the flexor and paw-lick responses with respected to the controls. It also, retarded the onset of seizures and reduced mortality induced by PTZ. The AESM was active, in both paradigms, at 10–1500mg/Kg range dose. However, at the doses under 1000mg/kg, AESM did not show sedative effects in the sleeping time induced by pentobarbital test, or significant effects on the spontaneous motor activity. The phytochemical analyses of organic extracts of S. mexicana, let the isolation of 8-hydroxysalvigenine, naringenine, 5-desmethoxynobiletine, hesperidine neoporcirine, β-sitosterol and ursolic acid. The HPLC analyses of AESM showed the presence of hesperidene and neoporcirine, as the major components of this extract. The biological evaluation of the isolates is in progress.

References: 1. García Rivas, H. (2000) Medicinal plants, Editorial Posada, México, DF.