Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2020; 15(06): 457-469
DOI: 10.1055/a-1146-7565

Prävention, Remission oder Verzögerung der Typ-2-Diabetes-Manifestation – Teil 2

Prevention, Remission or Delay of the Manifestation of Type 2 Diabetes – Part 2
Peter von Philipsborn
Rüdiger Landgraf

Die Diabetesprävalenz steigt weltweit – mit Folgen für Betroffene, das Gesundheitssystem und die Gesellschaft. Dies unterstreicht die bisher vernachlässigte Bedeutung der Prävention. Teil 1 dieser Reihe behandelte die individuelle Verhaltensprävention, in Teil 2 steht die Verhältnisprävention im Vordergrund: wie wir unsere Lebenswelten, vom Kindergarten bis zum Altenheim, so gestalten können, dass sie effektiv zur Diabetesprävention beitragen.


The global prevalence of diabetes mellitus type 2 has risen twofold in the past 30 years, approaching 9 % at present. Diabetes mellitus is a considerable burden on affected individuals, health systems and societies worldwide. Preventing or delaying the onset of diabetes, and achieving remission in patients in the early stages of the disease are therefore key public health priorities. While genetic risk factors are important on an individual level, the dramatic rise of diabetes during the past decades is a consequence of our diabetogenic environment, which is characterized by social, political and economic conditions that promote physical inactivity, unhealthy diets, and smoking. Successful prevention strategies must tackle these modifiable risk factors. The first part of this series of articles presented strategies for individual lifestyle modification. The present second part discusses evidence on population-level approaches for promoting physical activity, healthy diets and tobacco control. The evidence base on such approaches has improved considerably during the past years, but implementation remains a challenge. Health professionals and their organizations can contribute through evidence-based advice to political decision makers, work with the media, and advocacy.

Publication History

Article published online:
08 December 2020

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