Diabetologie und Stoffwechsel 2018; 13(04): 351-355
DOI: 10.1055/a-0645-6567
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Praxis der Telemedizin in Deutschland heute

Telemedical practice in Germany today
Johannes Schenkel
Telemedizin im Dezernat Telemedizin und Telematik der Bundesärztekammer, Berlin
› Institutsangaben
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22. August 2018 (online)


Schon heute sind einige telemedizinische Verfahren wie die Teleradiologie oder die Versorgung von Schlaganfallpatienten abseits der Stroke-Units weit verbreitet. Auch Gesundheits-Apps dringen mit hoher Dynamik in die gesundheitliche Versorgung ein. Welche Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet zu erwarten sind, welche Konsequenzen dies für die Praxis hat und was rechtlich beachtet werden muss, zeigt dieser Artikel.


The health care system of Germany approved a marginal number of telemedicine applications for reimbursement. However Teleradiology and Telestroke networks are well adopted in Germanys hospitals. Heart failure is the main indication for remote patient management and therefore a field of intense research in Germany. In almost every medical field telemedicine undergoes research and development. The lack of evidence in the field of telemedicine is due to the complexity of these interventions. Evaluation needs more resources and different trial designs compared to RCTs in pharmaceutical trials. A large scale funding program (Innovationsfonds) in Germany encompasses telemedicine and outcomes research. Mobile health apps are a new and expanding field in healthcare. Health apps are potentially beneficial in many health care areas, although there is little scientific evidence available. From a legal perspective data protection and privacy and the classification of health apps as medical devices are important topics.