Homeopathy 2004; 93(02): 88-93
DOI: 10.1016/j.homp.2004.01.001
Education and Debate
Copyright © The Faculty of Homeopathy 2004

Chronic diseases:

what are they? How are they inherited?
H Montfort-Cabello
Instituto Superior de Medicina Homeopatica de Enseñanza e Investigacion Monterrey Mexico
› Institutsangaben

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Received10. Oktober 2003
revised28. Oktober 2003

accepted12. Januar 2004

27. Dezember 2017 (online)


Background: Chronic diseases (CD), miasms or reactional modes, remain one of the darkest concepts of homeopathy. They are supposed to be heritable and originate after suppression of other diseases. Besides this nothing is known about how they might produce the large number of diseases mentioned in homeopathic books. They have been described in a variety of terms, ranging from Kent and Gathak's spiritual or metaphysic conception; the biological-allergic by Paschero, and, Robert's materialist-nutritional point of view. Flores-Bejar et al have outlined an approach to CD from a cellular and bioenergetic point of view.

Results: Cellular pathology has led to an understanding of the basic repair mechanisms of every cell and tissue. These mechanisms exist in order to avoid necrosis or cell death. The main mechanisms are molecular repair, apoptosis and cell proliferation.

Failure of these mechanisms leads to ‘dysrepair’. Consequences of these ‘dysrepair’ mechanisms resemble the homeopathic reactional modes or miasms. These abnormal or ‘dysrepair’ mechanisms are probably the basis of miasms or reactional modes.

A new interpretation of miasms is proposed:

Psora corresponds to the dysmolecular reactional mode.

Syphilis corresponds to dysapoptotic reactional mode.

Sycosis corresponds to dysproliferative reactional mode.

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