Varon, Joseph et al.: 2022 Challenges in the Pandemic: A Multidisciplinary Approach DOI: 10.1055/b-0042-189138

07 Pulmonary Manifestations of COVID-19

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Herausgeber: Varon, Joseph; Marik, Paul; Iglesias, Jose; de Souza, Christopher

Autoren: Ellkhouty, Ahmed; Chen, Alessandra; Kumar, Amit; Setya, Amit; Patil, Anish; Ngo, Binh; Alvarez, Carmen; Patiño-Barrera, Cesar Ivan; Filippone, Christine; Biggs, Danielle; Osgood, Eric; Levine, Jerrold; Malone, Jill Glasspool; Joseph, Joslyn; Shekade, Kiran; Armstrong, Lisa; Rendell, Marc; Holler, Marianne M.; Donaldson, Marie; Mohiuddin, Mariya; Turkia, Mika; Maguire, Nicole; Kory, Pierre; Jiandani, Prakash; Kata, Priyanjan; Mohan, Rajesh; Malone, Robert W.; Souza, Rosemarie de; Raval, Ruchi N.; Ramnathan, Srinivasan; Hamilton, Steven; Raval, Sumul; Soriano, Vicente; Ravi, Vignesh; Nookala, Vinod; Dalsey, William; Jonker, Wouter

Titel: Challenges in the Pandemic: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Print ISBN: 9789390553426; Online ISBN: 9789390553495; Buch-DOI: 10.1055/b000000763

Fachgebiete: Medizin, Gesundheitswesen;Infektionskrankheiten

Thieme Clinical Collections India


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