Enders, D. et al.: 2009 Science of Synthesis, 40a: Category 5, Compounds with One Saturated Carbon Heteroatom Bond DOI: 10.1055/sos-SD-040-00265

Synthesis from Other Amino Compounds

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Editors: Enders, D.; Schaumann, E.

Authors: Schaumann, E.; Azov, V. A.; Beller, M.; Börner, A.; Butenschön, H.; Couty, F.; Deck, J. A.; Doye, S.; Feng, J. Q.; Friestad, G. K.; Geiger, C.; Ipaktschi, J.; Kruiswijk, E.; Lawrence, S. A.; Li, C.-J.; Maison, W.; Margaretha, P.; Monforts, F.-P.; Osmers, M.; Purchase, R.; Roy, K.-M.; Saidi, M. R.; Sainsbury, M.; Schaumann, E.; Sweeney, J. B.; Wünsch, B.

Title: Category 5, Compounds with One Saturated Carbon Heteroatom Bond

Subtitle: Amines and Ammonium Salts

Print ISBN: 9783131189318; Online ISBN: 9783131839510; Book DOI: 10.1055/b-003-125745

Subjects: Organic Chemistry;Chemical Reactions, Catalysis;Organometallic Chemistry;Laboratory Techniques, Stoichiometry

Science of Synthesis 5: Compounds with One Carbon-Heteroatom Bonds

Parent publication

Title: Science of Synthesis

DOI: 10.1055/b-00000101

Type: Multivolume Edition


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