DOI: 10.1055/b-005-143628
Salkowski, Lonie R.; Moseley, Tanya W.: 2017

Clinical Breast Tomosynthesis

A Case-Based Approach Print ISBN 9781626232082 · Online ISBN 9781626232099
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Herausgeber: Salkowski, Lonie R.; Moseley, Tanya W.

Autor: Peppler, Walter W.

Titel: Clinical Breast Tomosynthesis

Untertitel: A Case-Based Approach

Print ISBN: 9781626232082; Online ISBN: 9781626232099; Buch-DOI: 10.1055/b-005-143628

Fachgebiete: Bildgebende Verfahren, Nuklearmedizin, Strahlentherapie;Gynäkologie, Geburtshilfe, Materno-Fetal, Hebammen;Onkologie, Krebsforschung

Thieme Clinical Collections (English Language)

Introduction to Clinical Breast Tomosynthesis
Cases with Screening Tomosynthesis Evaluation Needing No Further Evaluation
Cases with Screening Tomosynthesis Evaluation Needing Further Diagnostic Evaluation
Cases with Screening and Diagnostic Tomosynthesis Evaluations
Cases with Diagnostic Tomosynthesis Evaluation Recalled from Conventional Screening Mammogram
Cases with Diagnostic Tomosynthesis Evaluation Presenting with Clinical Indication
Cases with Known Cancer Diagnosis Needing Additional Evaluation
Intervention: Biopsy Using Tomosynthesis or Stereotactic Guidance